HOUSEKEEPING – A few quick items: Here’s a link to my current thoughts on the impact of AHCA, current as of Thursday (after the 2nd CBO report)- http://bit.ly/2rm9tro
Also, I am joining some of my friends at Matrix Healthcare to do a webinar for RISE next week. All about quality withholds in Medicaid. You can sign up here (If you’re a RISE member it’s free, else it costs)- http://bit.ly/2r9BRgl
“People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready to Do Violence on Their Behalf”- This is our annual time here in RoundUp Land (and in all the U S of A) to remember those who have died to protect our rights as American citizens. Memorial Day (Monday) honors the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. It is NOT the kickoff party for summer, but they died so that we idiots could have freedom to think even stupid things like that. Please take a moment to remember them grill-side on Monday as you enjoy the blessings made possible by their sacrifice.
Service Members Who have Died in MAY 2017 AS OF THE 25th
Senior Chief Petty Officer Kyle Milliken. Died May 5, 2017 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom. Hometown: Falmouth, Maine.
Service Members Who Died in APRIL 2017
1st Lt. Weston C Lee. Died April 29, 2017 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom. Hometown:
Bluffton, Georgia.
Sgt. Joshua P Rodgers. Died April 27, 2017 Serving During Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. Hometown: Bloomington, Illinois.
Sgt. Cameron H Thomas. Died April 27, 2017 Serving During Operation Freedom’s Sentinel
Hometown: Kettering, Ohio.
Staff Sgt. Mark R De Alencar. Died April 8, 2017 Serving During Operation Freedom’s Sentinel
Hometown: Edgewood, Maryland.
See more heroes @ http://thefallen.militarytimes.com
FULL, FREE newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ep81Y . News that didn’t make it and sources for those that did: twitter @mostlymedicaid . Trystero: Faðirinn sendi soninn til að bjarga heiminum