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Oregon Will Use Medicaid Funding For Mental Health Emergency Response


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Oregon is improve $10M to provide mental health crisis response.


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Oregon Legislature recently approved a bill that will help fund mobile mental health crisis teams around the state.

The bill allocates $10 million dollars of federal funding to be distributed across the state for crisis intervention centers.

Jackson County Representative Pam Marsh co-sponsored the bill. She says these crisis teams would complement police presence in terms of public safety during emergencies.

“What we’re trying to do is explore the idea that different kinds of professionals can be involved in responding to those 9-1-1 calls where there’s not a danger of violence or a need for someone to intervene in the way that law enforcement can intervene,” said Marsh.

Some of these professionals would be social workers, nurse practitioners, and mental health workers. They would address issues such as mental health crises and suicide threats.

Groups in Southern Oregon have been advocating for this bill in recent years. Marsh believes recent cases of people in mental health crises being killed during police encounters have led more Americans to rethink public safety methods.

“I certainly know that the Rogue Valley has been interested in this, and has been for a very long time,” she said. “We know that communities across the country woke up and started looking at these questions last summer. How many communities will actually come forward to put together a proposal? We’ll find that out in the grant process.”

Communities can apply for grant money to be used to assess existing resources, provide behavioral healthcare training, or develop and implement crisis intervention services. State Medicaid offices will be responsible for coordinating the mental health units.


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Wisconsin Submits Plan to Enhance and Improve Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services

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Wisconsin is requesting additional federal money to improve HCBS services.


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Central to the plan are critical initiatives to strengthen the caregiving workforce left out of state budget passed by legislature

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has submitted a plan to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to improve and enhance Wisconsin’s home and community-based services under Medicaid. DHS estimates it will receive approximately $350 million under this part of ARPA. Key components of the plan that support Wisconsin’s caregiving workforce include increasing rates for home and community-based services and expanding the professional advancement opportunities for the workers who provide these services.

“Strengthening our caregiver workforce and making investments in the services that many seniors and people with disabilities rely on across our state are critical steps we must take to support our economic recovery from the pandemic,” said Governor Tony Evers. “We are fortunate to have access to these federal funds to move these efforts forward since many of the proposals to support and strengthen our caregiving workforce included in my proposed state budget were removed by the legislature and not included in the budget that was recently passed.”

In consultation with key stakeholders and partners, DHS assembled a plan that will continue to advance Wisconsin’s successful record of implementing innovative programs that enable older adults and people with disabilities to live independently in their homes and communities. In Wisconsin, these efforts include the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, IRIS, PACE and the Children’s Long-Term Support programs, as well as personal care, private duty nursing, home health, and rehabilitative services provided to eligible Medicaid members.

“Wisconsin has long been a national leader in developing and implementing programs that allow the elderly and people with disabilities to live their best lives in their homes and communities. In 2021, we achieved a major milestone by fully eliminating the adult waiting list for home and community-based services,” said DHS Secretary-designee Karen Timberlake. “The ARPA funds designated by Congress and President Biden to support state home and community-based services will help us continue to build on that success and help stabilize and the services people depend upon as well as the workforce needed to provide them.”

Foundational to Wisconsin’s plan is a commitment to ensuring all eligible people in Wisconsin have access to home and community-based services by addressing health disparities and focusing on equity in program design and access. In addition to working with the Governor’s Health Equity Council to support implementation of the approved plan, DHS will work alongside community-based organizations that share our commitment to addressing disparities within the home and community based service system for Black, Indigenous, and people of color, people with varying abilities, people living in extremely rural areas, and other historically underserved and disadvantaged communities. Wisconsin is also engaging in individual conversations with each of the 11 federally recognized tribes to identify ways to enhance HCBS services for tribal members under the proposals in the submitted plan.

CMS is currently reviewing Wisconsin’s plan, along with those plans submitted by other states. Implementation efforts will begin once CMS approval is received.

Learn more by visiting the Proposed Funding for Home and Community-Based Services.


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A Medicaid boost gives Colorado a chance to re-do disability services

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Colorado is requesting additional federal money to improve HCBS services.


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Funding for in-home personal care for aging Coloradans and people with disabilities would jump for three years under American Rescue Plan spending.



Nancy Bach, 63, and her niece Elizabeth, 36, on Monday, July 19, 2021, in Northglenn. Nancy struggles to fill Elizabeth’s pill boxes because her hands tremble, and aids have mistakenly caused Elizabeth to overdose by providing inaccurate amounts. Elizabeth, who has a developmental disability along with bipolar disorder, has lived with her aunt for five years and gone through four different home aid agencies. (Olivia Sun, The Colorado Sun)

Nancy Bach, 63, can handle most of the daily tasks for her 36-year-old niece, Elizabeth, who has developmental disabilities.

But Bach’s hands shake with persistent tremors, making it impossible to fill the pillboxes that sort her niece’s complicated array of prescriptions. The two of them need help, and good help is hard to find. 

When others have sorted the pills wrong, Elizabeth Bach has ended up in the hospital for a week for overdoses. Other weeks she has missed crucial Trazodone because an aid counted wrong. Recently the home health agency just stopped sending anyone to do it. 

Colorado is about to get $500 million over the next three years that advocates for people with disabilities hope will help solve problems experienced by the Bachs and many others. A bigger Medicaid match from the American Rescue Plan will help Colorado pay for things including better training for home health and personal care aids, retention bonuses, and new systems allowing caretaking families to directly hire their own choice of personal aid. 

That’s extremely welcome news to Bach and her niece.

“I know exactly who I’d hire, and there’d be no issue,” Bach said. 

The funds are a “once-in-career opportunity,” a chance to make systematic change in an industry that has long struggled to maintain workers, said Bonnie Silva, director of the state Office of Community Living at the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, which includes the Medicaid program. 


Elizabeth Bach takes over a dozen medications and supplements at specific times of the day. Nancy, her aunt, struggles to fill her pill boxes because her hands tremble, and aids have mistakenly caused Elizabeth to overdose by providing inaccurate amounts. (Olivia Sun, The Colorado Sun)

The Medicaid department serves about 60,000 people through community-based programs, meaning programs for those who live at home and receive community services instead of living in institutions. The division spends about $2.5 billion on those services each year. Still, the extra $500 million is “an extraordinary amount of money” that will allow Colorado to transform its in-home programs, Silva said.

“It would be a shame if in 2024 we find ourselves with the exact same problems that we have today,” she said.

Letting people like Bach hire help of their choosing, and providing a larger pool of home aids trained in what clients actually need, is exactly how the new $500 million in Medicaid money could make a difference for thousands of Colorado families if done thoughtfully, said Julie Reiskin, executive director of the Colorado Cross Disability Coalition. 

“One of the problems I think we’ve always had in Colorado was that when we need to do something we were always in the situation where we have to do it cheap,” said Reiskin, who has for years been a leader of advocacy for more patient-directed home and community-based services through Medicaid. “And then we don’t do it right. So I think there’s a lot of systems change we could do that’s really exciting. And we have the time to do it properly.” 


Nancy Bach, 63, and her niece Elizabeth, 36, on Monday, July 19, 2021, in Northglenn. Elizabeth, who has a developmental disability along with bipolar disorder, has lived with her aunt for five years and has gone through four different home aid agencies. (Olivia Sun, The Colorado Sun)

To come up with a plan to spend the $500 million, the state Medicaid department held seven meetings attended by more than 800 people, plus gathered online surveys from about 450 others. The No. 1 issue was easy to identify: the workforce shortage in the in-home care industry. 

The challenge with the cash is that it’s a one-time allotment. Instead of just using the funds to increase the rate Medicaid pays to service providers, a boost that would end in three years, Colorado is trying to spend the money to come up with long-term fixes to a broken system. 

State officials want to create a training pool where people who work in the industry could get help earning certification to care for people with more complex health needs. They plan to spend money to hire a contractor who would come up with new policies for compensation and benefits that would make in-home care a “viable industry,” in which people could make a living and expect to advance, Silva said.


Those new designs could include more avenues for clients like the Bachs to direct more of their care and payments, advocates noted. 

The spending plan, which still needs final approval from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, also includes money for respite care. Those funds would pay increased wages for workers willing to care for people while their relatives or regular caregivers get a break. 

Another part of the $500 million plan calls for hiring a contractor to study how best to transition large residential centers, such as nursing homes, into smaller settings. During the pandemic, smaller centers had more success keeping residents healthy, Silva said. 

Targeting the “invisible waitlist”

Colorado has struggled for decades to keep up with the need among those who, despite severe disabilities or aging, want to live in their own homes. 

The waitlist to get on a Medicaid program that provides round-the-clock, in-home services for adults with intellectual disabilities was about 15 years long seven years ago. State lawmakers have slowly invested in the program, and this year, the state plugged enough money into the program to enroll 667 on the waitlist, although there are still about 2,000 people waiting. 

But the waitlist is only part of the problem. Families say that even when they get a spot in the program, there is still an “invisible waitlist” to actually find service providers to come to their homes to cook, clean and care for loved ones. 

And while they are eligible for many of the services as they wait to get enrollment in the 24/7 program, it’s difficult to find workers who have openings in their schedule. 

At other times, regulations require clients and their caregivers to hire people with qualifications above what they truly need to be helpful in an at-home situation, Reiskin said. In the Bachs’ case, for example, what they need is someone reliable, who can read prescription information, and has some basic people skills. The state and the disability support community could use the Medicaid infusion to design new regulations and programs that make sense for thousands more clients, she said. 

Even before the coronavirus pandemic hit Colorado, the turnover rate among in-home service jobs was 82%, according to the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. State officials suspect it’s only gotten worse in the last year. 


A pillow made by Elizabeth Bach (not pictured) is framed on the wall of the Bachs’ home in Northglenn. Elizabeth’s favorite hobbies are swimming, crafting and collecting keychains. (Olivia Sun, The Colorado Sun)

Among workers who care specifically for people with intellectual disabilities, the turnover rate pre-pandemic was 40%, said Ellen Jensby, senior director of public policy and operations for Alliance Colorado, which advocates for people with disabilities. As Coloradans isolated themselves during the pandemic, many workers left the in-home care industry, she said.

“What we’ve heard from the providers is that they are having a harder time than ever right now trying to recruit people to come back into the workforce,” Jensby said. “They are trying everything to get people through the door, including recruitment bonuses. Everybody has a ‘We’re Hiring’ sign on their door.” 

But unlike coffee shops and fast food restaurants, which can raise their prices in order to pay staff higher wages, the system for people with disabilities is dependent on reimbursement rates set by the government.

Providers who run day programs, such as adult daytime care or field trips to museums, are extremely low on staff, Jensby said, as are transportation providers and programs that provide job training and on-the-job support for people with disabilities. 

“The result is they are not able to reopen many of their services fully,” Jensby said. “They just don’t have enough staff to bring everyone back. Families are like, ‘We’re ready! We’re vaccinated!'”


Still, there were stories of dedication from these other “first-responders,” the folks who donned masks and continued going to work each day alongside nurses, grocery store workers and others whose jobs couldn’t stop because of coronavirus.

“We saw the dedication really shine,” Jensby said. “There were people who quarantined for days or a week with families, … stayed with people they cared for instead of going home to their families. Just amazing stuff.”

Rate increases, along with reform

Alliance is thrilled that Colorado plans to use the extra $500 million to boost pay, recruitment and training for in-home care workers, but those workers need help in the short term, too, Jensby said. The advocacy organization also is pushing for rate increases now so that agencies can afford to pay the salaries and signing bonuses needed to hire workers. 

In legislative and congressional hearings, people talk about how the workforce shortage in the in-home service industry has reached the level of a “crisis.” But Jensby said it’s been a crisis for decades — at this point, “it’s a systematic failure.”

The state legislature passed a bill, Senate Bill 286, that gives the health care department broad authority to spend the bolstered Medicaid matching funds once the state gets the go-ahead from federal officials. If all goes as planned, Colorado should get to start spending the $500 million by early September.


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Paramount takes legal action to halt, end Medicaid procurement process

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After trying to undo their loss via the legislature, Paramount is now trying their luck in court.



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It tried to appeal, but the agency wouldn’t stop the Medicaid overhaul. It went to the state legislature, but Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed the effort.

So now, Toledo-based health care company ProMedica is going to the courts.

ProMedica, which owns Medicaid managed-care organization Paramount Advantage, announced Tuesday that it is has sued the Ohio Department of Medicaid. It’s seeking injunctive relief to halt the ongoing overhaul of the state’s Medicaid system and invalidate recently awarded contracts.

Paramount brings this lawsuit to ensure the integrity of Ohio’s… selection process is fair, free, and open, as required by law, and to invalidate the fundamentally flawed black-box process that Defendants improperly conducted, without any authority to do so and without implementing the necessary safeguards against… biases toward Paramount,” the complaint filing read.

After a years-long procurement process, and as part of the overhaul, the Medicaid department in April chose six new companies to handle the governmental health insurance for more than 3 million low-income or disabled residents. Those contracts are worth around $20 billion, potentially the largest award in state history.  

Paramount Advantage was the only current provider to lose out.

The company alleged bias in favor of large, out-of-state companies over Ohio-based ones and sought in the state budget to redo the process so it “protected Ohio jobs.” But that was vetoed by the governor. 

The company filed an appeal to the Medicaid department itself, but that was rejected late June. The department said that ProMedica’s application for a contract made very few references to new elements of the Medicaid overhaul, such as OhioRISE, a program treating children with severe behavioral and mental problems. 

In the court filing, attorneys for the company listed multiple problems as to why it believes the procurement process was faulty and unfair.

Attorneys cited a lack of transparency due to the Medicaid department’s refusal to satisfy open records requests related to the process. ProMedica questioned whether the department even had authority to preside over the selection process, saying the Medicaid department didn’t file necessary paperwork to the proper agency. Attorneys claim other legally required procedures were not followed.

A spokesperson for the Department of Medicaid said it has not yet received the complaint.

Many expected the lawsuit to come, and if it’s successful, health advocates have the same fears as they did when lawmakers were looking at redoing the procurement process. Critical reforms like OhioRISE or the implementation of a single pharmacy benefit system would be delayed.

Regardless, ProMedica is not backing down, saying jobs are at stake.

“ODM’s unlawful…. decision to deny Paramount a contract award will result in the loss of hundreds, if not thousands, of jobs in northwest Ohio at a time when the local, state, national and even global economies are still reeling from the effects of the year-and-a-half long pandemic,” it said in its filing.

Titus Wu is a reporter for the USA TODAY Network Ohio Bureau, which serves the Columbus Dispatch, Cincinnati Enquirer, Akron Beacon Journal and 18 other affiliated news organizations across Ohio.


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Iowa Medicaid Officials To Seek Another Medicaid Managed Care Organization

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Iowa MCO contracts are up for grabs at the end of this year.


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State Medicaid Director Liz Matney told the Council on Human Services the state will seek a third managed care organization later this year.

Iowa Medicaid officials said the state plans to start taking applications for a third managed care organization later this year.

Iowa has had just two managed care organizations for its Medicaid program since United Healthcare left the state in June 2019.

Amerigroup and Iowa Total Care, which joined the state on July 1, 2019, the day after United Healthcare officially pulled out, are the state’s two current MCOs.

State Medicaid Director Liz Matney, who started in her new position last month, told the Council on Human Services on Thursday that the state intends to search for another MCO.

“We did put up our notice for intent to do a request for proposal. So we are going to be soliciting bids later this year,” she said.

According to the notice, the state is going to release the request for proposals on or around Dec. 22.

Matney said Amerigroup’s contract ends in 2023, and Iowa Total Care’s contract ends in 2025.

State Releases $44 Million To Iowa Total Care

Matney also told the council that the state has released $44 million back to Iowa Total Care that was withheld over payment issues.

The state announced in January of last year that it would withhold the money from Iowa Total Care after it failed to pay 106,000 Medicaid claims.

Matney said the MCO completed the final phase of its claims audit review this spring.

“We had the report back and they met the threshold of what we had determined to be, you know, a successful outcome,” she said.

The state’s Medicaid program serves more than 700,000 Iowans.

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Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance to Gather Feedback on Managed Care Organizations, Ways to Improve Program

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Delaware is beginning the process to shape its next Medicaid managed care RFP.



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NEW CASTLE (July 13, 2021) – The Department of Health and Social Services’ Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance (DMMA) is beginning the process of identifying Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to operate its Medicaid Managed Care Program beginning Jan. 1, 2023.

DMMA currently contracts with two MCOs, AmeriHealth Caritas Delaware and Highmark Health Options. to provide physical health, behavioral health, and long-term services and supports to individuals, families, children, and seniors enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in Delaware. Those contracts expire at the end of 2022.

Delaware’s Medicaid managed care program provides comprehensive health coverage to more than 240,000 eligible Delawareans, or almost 25% of the state’s population.

This procurement process is an opportunity for DMMA to reexamine and improve the program and expectations for the MCOs. Strategic principles for the 2023 procurement include:
Member focus: Medicaid innovation should improve quality and outcomes for members and advance health equity.
Accountability: MCOs will have increased accountability to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) for program costs, performance, and creativity.
• Lead by example: Medicaid, in partnership with the MCOs, will lead by example when it comes to innovation across Delaware’s health care system.
• Promote program evolution: DMMA will use the procurement process as an opportunity to build upon the existing contract and our successes in Medicaid and CHIP.
Cross-agency collaboration: DMMA will look for ways to align with other DHSS programs and state initiatives.

DMMA will host four virtual town hall meetings to get input on goals and procurement priorities for the managed care delivery system. Meetings are open to the public; however, each meeting will focus on getting feedback from either members or providers. Closed captioning and an ASL interpreter will be available for all meetings.

“Medicaid managed care offers flexibility to implement innovative programs that support health care providers and enhance health outcomes for our members,” said Steve Groff, Director of DMMA. “We hope the Town Halls will give interested parties the opportunity to share best practices and provide input with regard to program improvements.”

The Department of Health and Social Services is committed to improving the quality of life of Delaware’s citizens by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, and protecting vulnerable populations.


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Florida applies for $1.1 billion in additional Medicaid funds

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Florida is asking CMS for $1.1B in HCBS funding that will help clear huge waiting lists for long term services for elderly and disabled members.


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Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration is asking the federal government for an additional $1.1 billion in federal Medicaid dollars over the next two years to bolster access to home- and community-based programs and steer steer hundreds of millions of dollars to poor, elderly and disabled Floridians to purchase technology and make home improvements that enable them to age in place.

Florida submitted a proposal to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services late Monday, July 12, that, if approved, would also direct $191 million to enroll more individuals in the state’s home- and community-based Medicaid waiver program — dubbed the “iBudget” program — for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The additional federal Medicaid funding the state is seeking is available under a provision in the American Rescue Plan Act, a stimulus package signed by President Joe Biden in March, that allows the state to draw down a 10 percentage-point increase in federal funds to bolster home– and community-based services in state Medicaid programs.

Florida’s decision to seek such a large influx of federal cash for health-care programs runs counter to previous years, in which Republican leaders have been skeptical about tapping into additional federal money for health care.

If the Biden administration signs off on the plan, none of the money could be spent without approval from the Legislative Budget Commission, according to Sen. Aaron Bean, R-Fernandina Beach.

The 14-member panel, composed of seven state representatives and seven state senators, is authorized to make spending decisions on behalf of the Florida Legislature.

Advocates for poor, elderly and disabled individuals, who have been pressing the DeSantis administration to leverage the additional funding since spring, hailed the plan.

“Oh my God. This is absolutely fantastic news,” Valerie Breen, executive director of the Developmental Disabilities Council of Florida, told The News Service of Florida Monday night. “We are pleased with the governor’s decision to move ahead with the home- and community-based waiver dollars. We know that our families and individuals will be extremely pleased with this decision.”

Jim DeBeaugrine, a former secretary of the state Agency for Persons with Disabilities, said he was “thrilled” with the proposal.

“It definitely looks good,” said DeBeaugrine. “I’m pretty excited to see this and I look forward to learning more.”

The state’s proposal notes that more than 108,000 Floridians in different Medicaid waiver programs receive home- and community-based services. 

Some of those people have intellectual and developmental disabilities and are enrolled in the iBudget program or are on a waiting list for the program. Roughly 20,000 people are on the waiting list for the program, which is administered by the state Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

Other people who are frail enough to qualify for nursing-home placement who choose to live at home with the assistance of home- and community-based services are enrolled in — or on a waiting list for — the state’s long-term care waiver program. Approximately 60,000 people are on the waiting list for the waiver program, which is administered by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs.

While the proposal submitted to the Biden administration this week would target $191 million to reduce the iBudget waiting list, the plan does not include money to reduce the waiting list for the long-term care waiver program.

According to the proposal, the state is asking for nearly  $128 million in federal funds to provide one-time stipends to people age 60 and older in the long-term care waiver program. The stipends can be used for purchases ranging from air conditioners to technology.

The state’s plan also shows that the DeSantis administration wants to provide another $127 million in stipends to other Medicaid enrollees receiving home- and community-based services. Half of the funds — $63,584,500 — would be directed toward technology stipends and the other half would go toward stipends for home improvements or other purchases that promote aging in place.

The lion’s share of the state’s proposal would direct $623,030,996 toward one-time payments to businesses that provide home- and community-based services to Medicaid clients.

But the plan doesn’t provide details about how the money would be distributed among different providers. 

“That’s one of the $64 questions. What is the split between the DD (developmental disability) population and the elderly receiving home- and community-based services and other adults with disabilities that aren’t covered through the Agency for Persons with Disabilities?” DeBeauigrine said.  “How’s that going to split out? A lot of people in our world are going to be pretty interested in knowing those details.”

Miriam Harmatz, the director and founder of the Florida Health Justice Project, also said that the document doesn’t distinguish how provider payments will be distributed between the waiver programs. Harmatz, whose association advocates for universal health-care coverage, said that salary increases are needed for providers in both waiver programs.

“These are heroes we have to pay a living wage and provide benefits and make it a career path for people who are called for caregiving. And there are some angels among us. That’s a very hard job,” Harmatz said.

And while the potential for a $1.1 billion infusion is promising, Harmatz emphasized the need for a continued commitment to provide additional funds for home- and community-based services.

Harmatz helped spearhead a letter to Florida’s congressional delegation asking lawmakers to continue the increased funding for home- and community-based services. The letter was signed by more than 400 individuals and organizations that support the additional funding.


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U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Florida Medicaid Dispute

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SCOTUS will weigh in on legality of Medicaid agencies receiving shares in legal settlements to cover member care.


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The Supreme Court will take up a legal battle about how much money Florida’s Medicaid program should be able to recoup from a legal settlement stemming from an accident left a girl in a vegetative state.

After getting off a Lee County school bus in November 2008, Gianinna Gallardo was struck by a truck and suffered catastrophic injuries.

Now, more than a decade later, her case could lead to a U.S. Supreme Court decision that will affect Medicaid programs across the country.

The Supreme Court on Friday said it will take up a legal battle about how much money Florida’s Medicaid program should be able to recoup from a legal settlement that Gallardo’s parents reached after the accident left her in a vegetative state.

Attorneys for Gallardo’s parents and the state Agency for Health Care Administration asked the Supreme Court to resolve the issue because of conflicting court decisions about a reimbursement issue involving Florida’s Medicaid program — and programs in other states.

“The uncertainty on the issue affects millions of Americans who rely on Medicaid for health care coverage,” attorney’s for the parents, Walter Gallardo and Pilar Vassallo, wrote in a March petition. “A beneficiary’s federal Medicaid rights should not depend on whether she lives in Idaho, West Virginia or Massachusetts. But until this (Supreme) Court resolves the question presented, identically situated Medicaid beneficiaries will receive different treatment under federal law.”

Medicaid, which is jointly funded by the federal and state governments, is operated through a maze of laws. But states are required to seek reimbursements of Medicaid payments for medical care if, in situations such as the Gallardo case, lawsuits result in settlements.

Documents filed by both sides show that the Agency for Health Care Administration, which runs Florida’s Medicaid program, paid $862,688 for Gallardo’s care after she was injured. Gallardo’s parents filed a lawsuit against the truck’s owner and driver and the Lee County School Board and ultimately reached an $800,000 settlement.

The petition filed in March at the Supreme Court said the settlement applied to claims for past medical expenses, future medical expenses, lost earnings and other damages. Under a formula used by the state Medicaid program, the Agency for Health Care Administration said it was entitled to $300,000 of the settlement — including a portion of the settlement that was for Gallardo’s future medical expenses.

The legal battle centers on whether the agency is only entitled to recover money in the settlement representing past medical expenses — or whether it can also tap into money in the settlement for future medical expenses.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker in 2017 ruled in favor of the parents’ position that the agency should only be able to recover settlement money representing past medical expenses. But a panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Walker’s decision and sided with the Agency for Health Care Administration.

Meanwhile, in a separate case, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that the Agency for Health Care Administration was only entitled to recover money in a settlement for past medical expenses — creating a conflict between the state Supreme Court and the federal appeals court.

Describing the legal conundrum, attorneys for the Agency for Health Care Administration wrote in a June 1 document that under the appeals court decision, the state “has a duty to recover payments for future care. But if it fulfills that duty, it defies the Florida Supreme Court’s ruling.”

In arguing that the Supreme Court should come to the same conclusion as the appeals court, the agency’s attorneys pointed to potential major financial ramifications.

“First, states, the federal government, and Medicaid recipients have a substantial interest in state Medicaid agencies obtaining full reimbursement from liable third parties,” the June 1 document said. “Ensuring that Medicaid is a payer of last resort is critical not only to state and federal budgets but also to Medicaid’s longevity.”

But in his 2017 ruling, Walker wrote that Gallardo was 13 years old at the time of the accident and that her parents were living a “nightmare” as they continued battling with the agency.

Attorneys for Gallardo’s parents wrote in the March petition that the Supreme Court should overturn the appeals court decision. But the attorneys also pointed to a need for a final resolution of the issues in the case.

“Every state has passed some type of third-party recovery statute to comply with the mandates of the (federal) Medicaid Act,” the petition said. “Unless and until this (Supreme) Court resolves the conflict, the states and their legislatures cannot know what federal law requires of them. There is an urgent need for this court’s guidance on the question presented.”


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Costs Watched as Medicaid Managed Care Begins in N. Carolina

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After 6 years, the North Carolina managed care implementation has finally arrived.


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After six years of preparations and delays, most of North Carolina’s Medicaid recipients switched over to managed care Thursday with its developers hopeful the changes will mean improved health outcomes and controlled costs.

“It’s been a long time coming,” said Rep. Donny Lambeth, a Forsyth County Republican who helped pass the managed care law in 2015 and other legislative adjustments, some finalized just this week.

Four statewide health plans and one multi-regional plan will now handle care for roughly 1.6 million of the nearly 2.5 million consumers covered by Medicaid — mostly poor children and older adults — as well as from another program for children in low- and middle-income families. Another smaller plan for Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians members also has started.

More Medicaid consumers, particularly those with substance abuse issues, developmental disabilities and severe mental health troubles, shift to similar managed care coverage in July 2022.

“It’s the biggest change to our program in its history,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen, whose agency awarded the five-year plan contracts — expected to cost $6 billion annually — and carries out the law.

The Medicaid overhaul initially was supposed to start in 2018 or 2019. But it got delayed as Republican legislators and Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper were knotted in a budget impasse centered on whether to expand Medicaid to cover hundreds of thousands of adults through the federal Affordable Care Act. Expansion still has not happened.

As the largest state by population yet to switch to managed care, North Carolina’s foray into privatized Medicaid will be watched closely by other states and Medicaid experts. In mid-2018, almost 70% of the nation’s Medicaid enrollees were participating in managed care plans in nearly 40 states, or about 54 million people, according to Kaiser Family Foundation data. Enrollment

For decades, Medicaid has used a traditional fee-for-service process, whereby providers bill the state for each test or procedure. Now health plans will receive monthly payments for each patient enrolled. For example, health plans initially will receive on average $170 monthly for each covered child and $420 for each adult, according to Department of Health and Human Services data.

The plans’ financial gains or losses will depend on what’s left over after medical expenses and other costs. Healthier patients could mean monetary bonuses, with financial penalties possible for poorer outcomes.

Patients have signed up for a health plan — some operated by Blue Cross and Blue Shield and United Healthcare and others with less familiar names like WellCare and AmeriHealth Caritas — or have been enrolled automatically in one. Medical providers have entered into contracts with plans and consumers are being told what to expect.

“We feel very good at this point,” state Medicaid director Dave Richard said. “There will be things that don’t work anytime you have something this big, but I think we’re as prepared as possible come July 1.”

Managed care was embraced by former Republican Gov. Pat McCrory after Medicaid cost overruns in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

Initially, Medicaid spending under managed care will increase, with new administrative and underwriting expenses and more consumers still covered in the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicaid spending this coming year is projected at $18.3 billion, with 70% paid through federal funds and the rest from the state and other sources. Medical service spending is projected to decline as managed care matures.

Lambeth, a former hospital executive, is hopeful eliminating medical redundancies will curb overall costs. Keeping costs under control will require significant DHHS and legislative oversight of the health plans, said Hemi Tewarson, executive director of the National Academy for State Health Policy.

State officials must “really push them to do all the things that they should be doing or could be doing,” Tewarson said in an interview.

Tewarson said she’s anxious to see how North Carolina conducts pilot projects that will target further ways to address the non-medical needs of Medicaid patients such as homelessness, transportation and access to healthy foods.

Lambeth said he’s concerned some providers are not ready to handle the paperwork that managed care requires. Other small-town doctors or personal care agencies may not have entered contracts with multiple health plans, meaning some patients may learn they can’t use those providers.

Michelle White, a director of Cone Health’s HomeCare Providers, covering four central counties, said consumers who have been struggling during the pandemic may not realize how managed care could affect them.

“What’s going to happen July 1 and the days and the weeks to follow will be somewhat of an awakening as people start to understand that there have been changes with their Medicaid,” said White, whose agency will serve about 100 Medicaid managed care patients daily. “We’re going to have work to do as an industry to really help them get settled into the right plan, the plan that’s going to meet their needs.”


Photo via Robert Willett/The News & Observer and the Associated Press.

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Oregon Will Start Purging 200,000 From Medicaid Rolls Next Summer

MM Curator summary


Oregon HHS has begun planning efforts to disenroll members no longer eligible once the COVID PHE ends.


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A temporary federal law that is allowing people to stay on Medicaid even if their income exceeds traditional limits will expire.

Oregon expects to boot roughly 200,000 people from its Medicaid rolls next year, once the pandemic is officially deemed over and people who are ineligible for the insurance under traditional – but temporarily waived — restrictions are re-evaluated and dropped, the latest state estimates show.


Under a March 2020 federal emergency law, Medicaid members in most states, including Oregon, were allowed to stay on the taxpayer-funded health care insurance even if their incomes rose above federal limits or they otherwise became ineligible. That pandemic-driven protection is expected to stay in place until January 2022.


The state is already working on a process, to be implemented next spring, for re-assessing members of the Oregon Health Plan – the state’s version of Medicaid — and bumping those who exceed the income limits.


After the anticipated January 2022 expiration of the emergency law, the Oregon Health Authority will take about four months to reformat its Medicaid eligibility system back to the pre-pandemic rules, and need a further two-three months to determine which members no longer qualify for the insurance, according to the latest forecast. By July 31, 2022, the agency expects to begin dropping people who are no longer eligible.


The vast majority of those to be dropped will likely be adults, but thousands of children whose family incomes make them no longer eligible for Medicaid will also be dropped, according to the forecast.


The process, required by federal law, will be a massive and rapid shake-up for a system that has proven to be a vital safety net during the pandemic. It picked up tens of thousands of Oregonians who abruptly lost their jobs and their accompanying health insurance. Now at 1.31 million, enrollment is up 22% since the start of the pandemic.


The forecast shows Oregon’s Medicaid rolls growing to 1.4 million by next summer, then dropping by about 200,000 as the evaluation process removes people.


“After the (public health emergency) is over, it will take some time to finish processing the (Medicaid) applications from during the (public health emergency), make changes to the eligibility system, and then start processing applications and redeterminations under the (old) rules. As cases are reviewed, we expect a sharp initial drop,” said Lori Coyner, who was Oregon’s Medicaid director until the end of last month, when she switched to a new state Medicaid role.


But even after ineligible people are removed from Oregon’s Medicaid rolls, the plan will cover 1.2 million people, which is over 100,000 more than before the pandemic, according to the forecast. That’s due to a number of factors. For example, many Oregonians still have not regained their jobs and commercial health insurance, and unemployment remains high compared to before the pandemic. Plus, people who for the first time signed up for Medicaid during the pandemic now realize what a good financial deal it is and may try to get back on it. The insurance is essentially free to the member, with no premiums, deductibles or copays.


“Once people are familiar with Medicaid, even if they leave, they are more likely to return at a later date if they find themselves eligible once more,” Coyner said.


Federal Law Promises Extra Money

In Oregon, as in many states, Medicaid enrollment ballooned during the pandemic. The main reason is a federal law – passed by Congress in March 2020 and signed into law by then-President Donald Trump — that gives states extra Medicaid money for the duration of the pandemic on the condition that they let members stay on the insurance even if their income tops traditional federally-imposed limits.


Huge amounts of money are at issue. It costs the state, in combined federal and state money, about $6,400 to cover a Medicaid member for a year. Typically the federal government pays about 75%, and the state the rest. That’s about $7 billion a year in federal money, plus, under the March 2020 law, an estimated $307 million extra in 2020 and $580 million extra this calendar year. State officials have said the extra federal money has been enough so far to cover the extra enrollment, but that’s less certain for the coming 12 months.Under the temporary law, Oregonians can join Medicaid based on “self-attestation” of income, and the state does not check whether the figures are accurate. Also, even if members are found ineligible, for example because income exceeded the limits, they are kept in the program.


Nationally, Medicaid rolls swelled to 80.5 million earlier this year, up from 71.3 million in February 2020, as the pandemic was beginning, according to Kaiser Health News.


The Families First Coronavirus Response Act gives an extra 6.2% in Medicaid money to states in return for them not purging people from the rolls, unless members move out of state, choose to drop the coverage, die or are incarcerated.

Before the pandemic, annual Medicaid enrollment in Oregon fluctuated between 1.07 million and 1.1 million, rising and falling as newly eligible people joined, and people were dropped because higher income or other changed circumstances made them ineligible.


But now, the departures from Medicaid have dwindled to a trickle, while the number of new entries each month has held steady.

“In a nutshell, the growth in the (Oregon) Medicaid caseload is coming from a 75% decrease in exits every month, not from large numbers of new people entering Medicaid,” Coyner said. “With exits down substantially, and new enters essentially flat or down slightly, the caseload grows every month.”


Enrollment Growth Will Continue Into 2022

The growth has taken place in all types of Medicaid: Adult membership under the Affordable Care Act has grown from 350,000 pre-pandemic to over 500,000 now, and is forecast to reach about 600,000 by July 2022. At that point, about 150,000 people will be purged from the rolls, dropping the tally to 450,000 by late 2022, the forecast says.


Children’s Medicaid enrollment has grown steadily from a pre-pandemic level of 300,000, and is projected to hit 340,000 by July 2022. Then, as the rolls are purged, it is forecast to drop back to pre-pandemic levels. Separately, enrollment in the Medicaid CHIP – Children’s Health Insurance Program – will reach 110,000 by next July, up from 90,000 pre-pandemic, then drop back to pre-pandemic levels with the purging.


Just how the funding will pan out next year is unclear. State officials expect the extra federal money to run through the end of next March. At some point next year, the funding system will return to its pre-pandemic funding model. Whether or when Medicaid enrollment in Oregon will drop to its pre-pandemic level is anyone’s guess.


Oregon economists predict a robust recovery, which may be a harbinger of fewer people on Medicaid.

“Hopefully, a strong economy and maybe an increase in wages will decrease the number of Oregonians below or near the poverty line. If that happens, then, in the long run, the number of people on Medicaid will also decline, taking any potential population growth into account,” Coyner said.


But that may not happen for quite a while.

Pre-pandemic, in February 2020, Oregon’s economy was the strongest it had been in four decades, with a 3.3% jobless rate and 69,000 unemployed. In the throes of the pandemic, the jobless rate peaked at 13%, with 292,000 jobless. Now it is down to 5.9%, with 118,000 jobless, according to the Oregon Employment Department.”Total employment in Oregon will surpass pre-pandemic levels in late 2022 with the unemployment rate returning to 4 percent in 2023,” says the latest forecast from the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis.



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