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DC Council hits pause button on Medicaid contract

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DC’s MedStar contract is now off again.


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Health care for Medicaid recipients in D.C. is in limbo yet again: The D.C. Council has effectively hit the pause button on a contract with the health care provider that was set to extend benefits to a quarter-million residents.

The complicated twists and turns of the contract process is entirely bureaucratic, and could result in the District’s most-vulnerable residents losing access to their doctors during a pandemic.

As the District’s Medicaid contract was less than a month from expiring, Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a state of emergency, allowing her administration to enter into a contract extension with MedStar Health.

The nine-month extension allowed for D.C. to restart the process of finding its next Medicaid provider. A previous selection process had awarded the contract to MedStar, but a judge last year nullified the award, citing a failure of the health care company to meet the requirements to win the $3 billion bid.

The contract extension would have passively passed the council had it not taken action in 10 days. But four council members co-signed a resolution of disapproval Friday, allowing it to “extend our review period from 10 to 45 days,” the resolution reads.

Four members of the council, Chair Phil Mendelson, Kenyan McDuffie, Elissa Silverman, and Robert White, co-signed the resolution, which questions the legality of the contracts.

“Extending our review period also gives time to the Mayor to re-evaluate the bid
proposals as ordered by the Contract Appeals Board last December 1st (the CAB expressly ordered the District to “re-evaluate the competitive range offerors’ proposals in accordance with District procurement law and regulation, the terms of the solicitation, and the instant decision,” Mendelson wrote in the resolution.

The council wants more time to review but has three options. First, to do nothing, which Mendelson contends given the controversy and legal advice, is “not a positive image for the Council.” The second option would be to disapprove the contracts, and the final option would be to act by emergency legislation and overrule the CAB’s decision and approve the contracts.

Deputy Mayor Wayne Turnage believes the mayor’s move to enter into extended contracts via emergency order was the only way forward.

“The mayor has responsibly submitted these contracts under emergency to avoid any disruption in the health care for over 250,000 people. That is the extent of what she can do at this point. So really, it’s up to the council,” said Turnage.

In response to the council’s resolution, the mayor outlined the potential outcomes of letting the contract expire. Among them, she said, the Department of Health Care Finance will have no legal authority to pay for health care services; District residents will have to navigate the health care system; and health care costs will likely increase.

“To avoid these substantial, unnecessary, and harmful disruptions, I urge Chairman Phil Mendelson to withdraw the disapproval resolution immediately as the Department of Health Care Finance resolicits the procurement over the next few months in order to add additional services for beneficiaries and to address the Council’s concerns,” Bowser said. 

The council is out on recess until Oct. 1, and sources within the council said its rules prohibit council members from voting until it reconvenes. Its next legislative meeting is set for Oct. 5.

“I think you could have made the argument early in his process that this was such a challenging issue, that people of goodwill were legitimately confused as to what should be done. I don’t think you can make that argument anymore. Everybody understands precisely what has happened. And precisely what will happen if the council disapprove these contracts. Or if they just take the entire 45 day review period,” Turnage told WTOP.

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Georgia Eyes New Medicaid Contract. But How Is the State Managing Managed Care?

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GA MCO contracts are expected to be rebid soon and journalists are reporting that current contracts lack financial controls that are standard in other states.


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(Hannah Norman / KHN photo illustration / Getty Images)

Just before Frank Berry left his job as head of Georgia’s Medicaid agency this summer, he said the state “will be looking for the best bang for the buck” in its upcoming contract with private insurers to cover the state’s most vulnerable.

But whether the state — and Medicaid patients — are getting an optimal deal on Medicaid is up for debate.

Georgia pays three insurance companies — CareSource, Peach State Health Plan and Amerigroup — over $4 billion in total each year to run the federal-state health insurance program for low-income residents and people with disabilities. As a group, the state’s insurers averaged $189 million per year in combined profits in 2019 and 2020, according to insurer filings recorded by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Yet Georgia lacks some of the financial guardrails used by other states.

“Relative to other states, Georgia’s Medicaid market is an attractive business proposition for managed-care companies,” said Andy Schneider, a professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families.

Georgia is among more than 40 states that have turned to managed-care companies to control Medicaid costs. These contracts are typically among the biggest in these states, with billions of government dollars going to insurance companies. Insurers assume the financial risk and administrative burden of providing services to members in exchange for a set monthly fee paid for each member.

The health plans, though, have at times drawn questions both on spending and quality of care delivered to Medicaid members.

“The transition to managed care was supposed to save states money, but it’s not clear that it did,” said Katherine Hempstead, a senior policy adviser at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (KHN receives funding support from the foundation.)

States can require Medicaid insurers to pay back money if they don’t hit a specified patient-spending threshold. That threshold is typically 85% of the amount paid to the insurance companies, with the rest going to administration and profit.

But Georgia does not require its Medicaid insurers to hit a specific target for spending on patient care, a federal inspector general report noted. Though Georgia is trying to “claw back” $500 million paid to its Medicaid insurers, it could have lost out on recoupment dollars, the report indicated.

And state documents show that the Peach State company, which now has the largest Medicaid enrollment of the three insurers, failed to reach the 85% mark from 2018 to 2020.

Overall, Georgia’s Medicaid “medical loss ratio,” which assesses how much was spent on patients’ claims and expenses, was fifth from the bottom nationwide last year, behind only Mississippi; Washington, D.C.; Wisconsin; and Arkansas, according to data from the insurance commissioners association. Spending rates on patient care in the state fell from 82.9% to 80.8% in 2020. (The NAIC uses a different method for calculating the ratio than the state and federal governments do.)

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“Profits for Georgia Medicaid HMOs are very healthy,” said Allan Baumgarten, an independent analyst and consultant.

When asked whether Georgia planned a spending requirement in the new contract, Fiona Roberts, spokesperson for the Department of Community Health, which runs Medicaid, said “a number of considerations are being discussed.” She noted that the state having a low medical loss ratio does not necessarily translate to “unreasonable profit” for the insurers.

The insurers also make money off their management services firms. In 2020, the insurer Peach State paid a subsidiary of its parent company, Centene Management Company, $114.7 million for administrative services. The nonprofit CareSource paid its management services firm $86.5 million in 2020.

“Fees paid to subsidiary companies represent another source of revenues for the parent companies,” said Baumgarten. “And it’s done in a way that does not allow the state to hold the HMOs accountable.”

The state’s latest performance data, which covers 2019, shows the plans did as well or better than the national median on many measures, including on access to a primary care provider.

But low birthweight rates appear to be on the rise despite the state’s goal of bringing them down to 8.6% or less. The companies hovered at an average of about 9.8% in 2019, the latest available data.

“We continue to hear stories from families and health care providers about children in Medicaid managed care who have considerable trouble getting the services they need — whether it’s medication to control their asthma, getting connected to behavioral health care after a mental health crisis lands them in the emergency room, or any number of health challenges,” said Melissa Haberlen DeWolf, who directs research and policy at the Voices for Georgia’s Children advocacy group.

Compared with other states, Georgia has a stunningly low rate of referring poor children to specialty services under Medicaid, according to a recently released National Health Law Program report. DCH said recently it’s investigating why the rate is so low.

And, currently, the state is reporting low covid vaccination rates for those 12 and older covered by the Medicaid managed-care companies. A state posting shows the rates for the three companies are each below 10%, far lower than Georgia’s overall rate.

The companies, when asked about profitability, quality of care and administrative costs, directed a reporter to Jesse Weathington, executive director of the Georgia Quality Healthcare Association trade group. He said he could not comment on individual companies’ financial performance.

“Our goal is to continue to drive quality improvement, and successful patient outcomes, in the most cost-efficient manner for taxpayers who fund Georgia Medicaid,” Weathington said.

Georgia is expected to open the high-stakes bidding process on a new Medicaid contract next year. The bid process typically is fierce and the results often contested.

It’s not clear, though, when Georgia’s new contract process will be completed as the timelines have hit snags in several other states. North Carolina rolled out its managed-care system July 1 after two years of delays. It will spend $6 billion annually, the largest contract in the state health agency’s history.

Last year, Louisiana’s contract process fell apart after insurers that lost out disputed the results. And Centene and other companies are protesting Pennsylvania’s decision not to award them contracts, delaying implementation.

St. Louis-based Centene has more Medicaid managed-care business nationally than any other company. Centene last year acquired WellCare, a Medicaid insurer in Georgia, then closed down that operation in May.

Centene has also faced questions about overbilling. Ohio settled an $88 million pharmacy fraud lawsuit it filed against Centene months before awarding it a contract, while Mississippi settled with it for nearly $56 million. Now Georgia is expected to get money back under the $1 billion that Centene set aside to settle with other states affected by the pharmacy overbilling.

Consumer groups want the state to take stronger steps to advance the health of those who rely on Medicaid and to make the deals with the insurers more transparent.

“Medicaid members are best served when they have ready access to providers, insurers are eager to resolve their health care needs, and policymakers exercise strong oversight to ensure members’ health and well-being are prioritized over profits,” said Laura Colbert, executive director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, a consumer advocacy group.

A bill that aimed to bring more transparency and accountability to the state’s health care plans was vetoed last year by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. The legislation would have allowed a committee to examine records of health care contractors and compel the state to respond to questions about them. Kemp said the bill would have violated the separation of powers doctrine between the executive and legislative branches of government.


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FL- County throws lifeline to hospitals drowning in Medicaid

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Miami is now operating a “provider tax” program to maximize federal dollars for hospital Medicaid revenues.


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Miami-Dade County now has a Medicaid Hospital Directed Payment Program (DPP) to give local hospitals financial relief made necessary by unreimbursed Medicaid costs.
The ordinance by Commissioner René García, unanimously approved Sept. 1, would take effect in ten days. The program would provide financial relief to Miami-Dade hospitals, which incur $524 million in unreimbursed Medicaid costs each year.
Currently, Miami-Dade has nearly 17% of the state’s Medicaid enrollees, a memo from Chief Financial Officer Edward Marquez says.
The DPP is a Medicaid matching program funded through local non-ad valorem special assessments on local hospitals. The revenue generated through this special assessment is placed in a local provider participation trust fund and is matched with federal funds to provide hospitals with supplemental Medicaid reimbursement.
“The passage of this ordinance will ensure that our community’s low-income patients benefit from enhanced healthcare services, and hospitals are able to improve their facilities and patient care through the creation of this program, which ensures Miami-Dade County and its residents receive their fair share of federal Medicaid funding,” said Commissioner García in a press note.
Commissioner Rebeca Sosa expressed similar sentiments at the meeting. “When hospitals face staggering losses, they cannot provide the care necessary for the population, those losses prevent or delay upgrades to facilities and staff, and they can create pressure on public facilities. So, it’s a pleasure to join our senator Rene García and all my other colleagues in this item.”
At the July 8 commission meeting, four representatives from local hospitals spoke in favor of the now-approved ordinance. Gino Santorini, CEO of Mount Sinai, said Medicaid comes at a loss in terms of covering the costs, so “this is an opportunity to unlock some federal funds, which would bring about $300 million down to offset that which will really help to benefit all the hospitals, the employers and the county health in general.”
Dawn Javersack, chief financial officer (CFO) of Nicklaus Children’s Health System, said “seven out of every 10 patients that we see are Medicaid beneficiaries and they represent some of the most vulnerable population… This is really important in terms of the care that’s provided to those patients.”
Sanjay Shetty, president of Steward Health Care North America, and Dawn White, vice president of Government and Community Relations for Baptist Health, also expressed support for the creation of the program.
“I am so pleased that the county commission unanimously supported this innovative mechanism for drawing down more funding to cover the costs of care for our low-income residents,” said Mayor Daniella Levine Cava in a press release. “Our local hospitals treat patients with professionalism and compassion. They deserve our support so they can meet the healthcare needs of Miami-Dade families.”


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Physicians booted from board after blocking Stitt Medicaid plan

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Doctors appointed by the Governor who thwarted his major health initiative have been removed from their appointments.



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OKLAHOMA CITY — Gov. Kevin Stitt fired the only two physicians who serve on the state’s Health Care Authority governing board after they opposed his plan to outsource Medicaid.

Dr. Jean Hausheer said when a Stitt staffer called Saturday to give her and Dr. Laura Shamblin the news, he was unable to provide a reason why the governor was kicking two of his own appointees off the nine-member board. The governor appoints five of the board members, to the panel, who serve as volunteers and which oversees more than $2 billion in taxpayer funds for state healthcare programs, including Medicaid.

The Legislature appoints the remaining four members.

Hausheer said the axe fell after the two doctors stymied Stitt’s latest effort to outsource the state’s Medicaid program using a backdoor administrative rules process instead of working with the Legislature and health care community.

Stitt has argued that outsourcing Medicaid could save money and improve health outcomes.

“He didn’t get his way, so he’s just getting rid of those of us that don’t see eye-to-eye with him,” Hausheer said.

She said as of Tuesday, Stitt had filled the posts with non-physicians.

Hausheer, an ophthalmologist with the Dean McGee Eye Institute, which is based in Lawton, said Stitt had previously tried a similar unsuccessful strategy to outsource the program to managed care providers. Earlier this year, the state’s highest court rejected that plan, ruling that it was pushed forward without proper legislative approval.

Hausheer said Stitt’s administration now is attempting to create administrative rules under Senate Bill 131, which put guardrails on the governor’s plan. She said lawmakers, though, told her the Senate bill never took effect because of the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling.

Hausheer, a practicing physician for more than 40 years, said Stitt appointed her to the board in 2019 with the understanding that she’d serve for four years. She and Shamblin were two of three women who served on the board and the only two licensed physicians. She said the timing was odd because the dismissal came during the month that honors women in medicine.

Hausheer said instead of attempting to outsource Medicaid through administrative rules, Stitt should put together a team that includes legislative leadership, Health Care Authority staffers and members of the state’s health care community.

“We would meet with him gladly and find a pathway forward,” Hausheer said. “(Managed care organizations) by themselves are not necessarily evil for all things. They’re not. It’s just that they would work better for some things and would work terrible for other things.”

She said that strategy would result in a more meaningful partnership as opposed to Stitt’s methods right now of getting rid of people who don’t agree with him.

In an email Tuesday, Carly Atchison, a Stitt spokeswoman, did not comment on why Stitt decided to boot Hausheer and Shamblin from the board.

“The governor is grateful for Dr. Hausheer and Dr. Shamblin’s service to the state of Oklahoma,” Atchison said.

She also said Stitt welcomes Susan Dell’Osso and Gino DeMarco to the board “to help make Oklahoma a Top 10 state for health outcomes.”

Atchison said Dell’Osso served as former chief innovation officer for Integris Health, has experience across the state’s different health systems, and a passion for serving Oklahoma communities.

“Gino DeMarco has voluntarily left retirement to once again serve the state, bringing a unique entrepreneurial talent for innovation, growth and development” including years as a senior executive at a Medicaid consulting and software company, she said. DeMarco previously served as the state’s “PPE czar” during the COVID-19 pandemic where he was tasked with obtaining personal protective equipment during a nationwide shortage. He also served as deputy director of the state’s Tourism and Recreation Department.

State Rep. Marcus McEntire, R-Duncan, said it’s disappointing that Stitt chose to dismiss the only two physicians who served on the board.

“Those people care deeply about our state and the direction it’s going with health care,” McEntire said. “I have an idea why he did it. But, I don’t think it bodes well for people who are willing to serve the state on these boards that if they make a decision that somebody higher above them doesn’t like, then they get axed. We’re all trying to pull the state in the right direction.”

McEntire, House author of Senate Bill 131, said the measure was intended to put limitations on the same policy that the Oklahoma Supreme Court voided. He said the measure didn’t take effect given the ruling.

He also said he’s disappointed Stitt is attempting to press forward with outsourcing managed care through administrative rules.

McEntire said the Health Care Authority governing board is comprised of medical experts, yet the majority continues to be against managed care.

Now the board is void of the expertise of practicing physicians, he said.

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CO: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid offer funding for Colorado’s Reinsurance Program

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CMS has approved 12 states 1332 waivers to use expanded subsidies to drive down premium costs.


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(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

DENVER – On Tuesday, Sept. 7, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that it is now offering funding to Colorado and 12 other states to support the Affordable Care Act Section 1332 reinsurance waivers. This nearly $50 million for Colorado’s Reinsurance Program comes from expanded subsidies of individuals buying health insurance from the individual market, instead of an employer, as part of the American Rescue Plan.

$50 million of new federal funds will save Coloradans even more money on health care through the bipartisan Colorado Reinsurance Program,” said Governor Jared Polis. “By slashing health care premiums, Coloradans will have more money in their pockets for groceries or gas while also ensuring quality, affordable health care is available to every Coloradan. This $50 million in additional funds for Colorado’s Reinsurance Program will be used to further reduce insurance premiums.”

The Colorado Division of Insurance administers the Reinsurance Program, lowering premiums and offering affordable coverage by reducing the financial impact of high-cost health insurance claims. 

“The work of the Polis-Primavera administration and the work of the Division of Insurance continue to help Coloradans by making health insurance more affordable. This additional funding will not only help to decrease premiums and get more people covered, but it also helps to strengthen the reinsurance program,” said Colorado Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway.

The funding doled out by CMS ranges from $2.5 million to $139 million per state – varying on factors such as the size of a state’s reinsurance program. The exact amount Colorado will receive in additional pass-through funding will be $49,827,328. The 1332 waiver gives Colorado the ability to fund a substantial amount of the Reinsurance Program with federal funds—dollars that would not have otherwise come to the State. The additional pass-through dollars adds to that funding.

In 2020, the first year of reinsurance, the program saved people 20% on their health insurance. In 2021, it saved Coloradans nearly 21%.

Find more information about the Colorado Reinsurance Program at the DOI’s Reinsurance website.


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Ohio looking at appealing federal government decision on banning Medicaid work requirements

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Ohio is considering fighting the CMS reneging on its approved work-requirements waiver.


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The State of Ohio is considering filing a lawsuit that will appeal the Biden administration ending proposed work requirements for some Medicaid recipients.


Under the Trump administration, Ohio was able to get a waiver that would require able-bodied people, who don’t have any children, to either work twenty hours a week or get job training for their Medicaid health benefits. The work requirements were supposed to start on January 1, 2021, but with the pandemic, the start date was delayed. In August, the federal government told Ohio they cannot go ahead with this plan because it goes outside the bounds of how Medicaid was set up. Lt. Gov. Jon Husted believes that having work requirements is beneficial to everyone involved.


“We believe it is ultimately valuable for them because an adult who is abled bodied and is not working is probably not doing a lot of constructive things in life,” says Husted. “We want them to do constructive things. We want to help them do constructive things and we want to help give them purpose and opportunity so they can live a better version of the American dream.”

Husted and Governor Mike DeWine have asked Ohio Attorney General David Yost to proceed with the lawsuit, but it hasn’t been filed yet.


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CMS, TX Dispute Over Medicaid Pay Programs Could Affect Provider Pay

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The CMS reneging on the approved TX DSRIP waiver will gut provider payment rates in a month.


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Texas providers worry they could face pay cuts if Texas Medicaid officials and CMS don’t promptly hash out an agreement on a state-directed payment proposal that CMS earlier said it wouldn’t approve.

CMS’ notice that it wouldn’t okay the plan as proposed came after a judge ordered the agency to tell Texas it either planned or did not plan to approve the payment programs. Though the payment programs require CMS approval separate from the state’s 1115 waiver, Texas said CMS was violating the terms and conditions of the waiver by dragging its feet on the payment programs.

The judge’s order is part of an ongoing lawsuit Texas filed over the Biden CMS’ decision to revoke a 10-year extension of the state’s 1115 uncompensated care waiver that was granted in January in the final days of the Trump administration. The judge has since placed a temporary injunction on CMS’ rescission of the waiver extension, though CMS previously maintained that it has been acting as though the January waiver was still in effect since May due to Texas also having filed an appeal with the HHS Departmental Appeals Board.

The 1115 waiver as extended in January includes a transition program for Texas’ Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP), which rewards performance bonuses to safety net providers that improved health metrics and is set to expire Sept. 30. The transition program, known as the Public Health Providers Charity Care Pool, would still provide incentives but from a smaller pool of money than DSRIP. Texas designed state-directed payment programs to recoup about 80% of the remaining funds that will be lost when DSRIP expires.

John Hawkins, senior vice president of government relations at the Texas Hospital Association, said that not having the state-directed payment programs would hurt provider payments, since some of the payment programs were created as a substitute for a hospital rate increase program in the state. Authority to operate the rate increase program, made possible through the budget neutrality savings from the 1115 waiver, is set to run out at the end of the month, Hawkins said.

The situation also presents challenges for the state’s mental health safety net providers. DSRIP funding was instrumental in building out state mental health capacity. State-directed payment programs — and specifically the behavioral health directed payment program — need to be approved because Medicaid rates alone are not enough to support the level of service delivery Texas wants it providers to sustain, said Danette Castle, CEO of the Texas Council of UHC Community Centers, which represents behavioral health centers across the state.

CMS, in an Aug. 13 letter to Texas, listed areas where the payment programs needed to be altered and offered to extend for one year the DSRIP program. Texas has known since 2017 that funding for the DSRIP program would be phased out by this year. The program is would expire Sept. 30 if not extended for a year.

In an Aug. 16 response to CMS, Texas indicated it believed a one-year DSRIP extension was inconsistent with the Jan. 15 waiver extension.

The Texas Hospital Association hasn’t taken a formal position on whether it would support extending DSRIP for a year, but Hawkins said it is pushing for whichever solution keeps the most capacity in the system with the least amount of disruption. Given that goal, trying to get the state-directed payment programs approved is preferable to a DSRIP extension, he said.

Castle, whose organization petitioned prior to the January extension approval for a DSRIP extension, said if it were between no funding and a DSRIP extension, continuing DSRIP would be the right move. But she doesn’t think the state will have to make that choice.

“We remain confident that the Health and Human Services Commission or state leadership and CMS will be able to come to agreement, whether that is through direction of the court, whether that is through the extension that has been in essence resubmitted, whether it’s through the negotiations going on right now,” she said. “It’s too important not to and I think all parties understand how important it is to do that.”

Hawkins also said he thinks the state is still hopeful that the state-directed payment programs can be approved soon because extending DSRIP isn’t a long-term solution.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission said it was unable to comment on whether discussion between the state and CMS have begun on the state-directed payment programs because of ongoing litigation. CMS also did not respond to an inquiry by publication. — Maya Goldman (

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After Weeks Of Uncertainty, D.C. Medicaid Recipients Avoid Losing Access To MedStar Doctors

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After threatening to stop seeing Medicaid patients unless its competitor health plans paid them more, a hospital health plan got its contract extended for at least 9 months by the mayor of the U.S. capital.



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Thousands of Medicaid recipients were recently at risk of loosing access to their doctors.

Tyrone Turner / WAMU

Over the past several weeks, a chaotic situation unfolded in D.C.’s Medicaid system, potentially disrupting the care of thousands of the city’s poorest residents. 

MedStar, a health system in the city that also manages a health insurance company, announced that it was ending its contracts with two other companies that cover the city’s Medicaid recipients. Thousands of residents were at risk of losing access to a range of MedStar’s services – including primary care doctors, specialists, and pharmacies. 

According to the city, 80% of D.C.’s Medicaid recipients are people of color; 75% are Black residents living in wards 7 and 8. 

“You have to have a working Medicaid system in order to care for low income and poor communities,” says Ambrose Lane Jr., the founder of Health Alliance Network, a group that advocates for health equity in the city. “That’s what it was built for. Now, one could argue whether or not it was the best system that was built. Now, that’s an argument for a later date right now, we need health care coverage for poor and low income communities.” 

Mayor Muriel Bowser used an emergency order to extend the city’s contract with MedStar for at least nine months, but the debacle marked the latest development in a complicated relationship between MedStar and the D.C. government. 


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Texans on Medicaid can now use Uber for non-emergency medical appointments

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Uber just added millions of new customers in TX Medicaid.


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Uber said it aims to eliminate barriers to care for Medicaid enrollees as well as provide a more cost-efficient form of transportation.


A sign in the lobby of Uber’s Deep Ellum office on Jan. 27, 2020 in Dallas.(Juan Figueroa / Staff photographer)

Uber is now offering millions of Texans on Medicaid rides to and from non-emergency medical appointments.

Uber Health, the company’s health care division, launched the service officially this week thanks to a law the company helped pass in the 2019 legislative session. Uber worked with now-Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives Dade Phelan to pass legislation allowing ride-sharing companies to utilize the Medicaid program.

Uber says that rides for Medicaid enrollees will be priced the same as the company’s UberX service, and the health systems providing care can schedule transportation on a dashboard. It can also streamline those providers’ payments by combining charges for Medicaid patients into a single monthly bill.


There are nearly 4.4 million people in the state enrolled in Medicaid who will be able to use Uber’s on-demand ride sharing platform for medical visits. The service touts a more cost-efficient way to get patients to appointments, and one that helps health systems overcome a thorny barrier to providing care.

Transportation issues are cited as the reason nearly 6 million Americans miss medical care appointments each year, according to a recent American Journal of Public Health
study cited by Uber.

“Texas is ahead of the curve and helping serve their communities, and especially the Medicaid community, in what they’ve done allowing Uber to be a piece of the transportation,” global head of Uber Health Caitlin Donovan said.

Donovan joined Uber from the home health industry about four months ago. She said the realization that case managers she worked with were spending more than half of their time sorting out logistics like transportation for patients drove her to join the ride-sharing company.


Health care providers can utilize Uber Health’s dashboard to manage and schedule rides.(Uber Health)

The company has been piloting the service since June 1 when it was finally approved by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Uber had hoped to launch the HIPAA-secure service sooner but COVID-19 created delays, Uber spokesman Chris Miller said.


“The truth is that spending our money on a ride with Uber Health can be a more cost-effective use of our Medicaid dollars and allows us to cut down on fraud, waste and abuse while creating more equitable patient outcomes,” Phelan said in a statement. “We’ve already begun to see health care organizations in the state report a serious decrease in their no-show rates.”

Uber has already worked with legislators to change laws in Arizona, Indiana and Florida allowing it to provide rides for Medicaid users.

In the last year, Uber has also partnered with NimbleRx to launch an on-demand prescription delivery service in Texas. Uber Health was launched in 2018 with the goal of providing transportation services to the health care industry.


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Georgia Medicaid agency requesting nearly $500 million more in health spending

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GA budget officials are notifying the Governor that Medicaid spending needs to go up while state employee benefit funds are decreasing.


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The agency that provides health care to about 2 million Georgians is requesting an increase of almost $500 million in its state budget over the next year and a half.

Enrollment growth in Medicaid — the state-federal health care plan for the poor and disabled — and rising usage and costs will continue to put a bigger dent in government coffers, officials said Thursday,

Meanwhile, Lisa Walker, chief financial officer of the Department of Community Health, said the health care plan for more than 650,000 teachers, state employees, retirees and their dependents could see two-thirds of its reserve drained by 2024 as expenses outpace revenue from premiums and government subsidies.

Both have become common scenarios for the government programs that fund health care for about a quarter of the state’s population: Heath care costs continue to rise in Medicaid, and that means a larger infusion of taxpayer money into the system. The State Health Benefit Plan for teachers and state employees is regularly projected to run a shortfall in coming years.

Gov. Brian Kemp last month told state agency directors not to request spending increases in the coming year, but he made exceptions for programs that expected to see a rise in usage and expenditures. As in past years, a vast majority of that increase will be in k-12 schools, colleges and the Department of Community Health, which runs the Medicaid and State Health Benefit Plan programs.

Enrollment in some health plans run by the DCH spiked during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic as Georgians lost jobs both during and after the economic shutdown.

At the same time, many of those in the program delayed care due to the fear of infection or other reasons. DCH officials expected Medicaid recipients to return to the doctor for treatment this year as COVID-19 vaccinations became more available.

The federal government pays for the majority of the DCH’s $17 billion budget, although the state also chips in several billion dollars. The DCH’s budget, when including federal funding, is the largest part of the state government’s spending.

The DCH has to ask for a big increase in funding pretty much every year as health costs rise. Walker said the department is requesting $122 million more in the midyear budget — which runs through June 30 — and $359 million more in fiscal 2023, which begins July 1.

The agency’s request now goes to Kemp, who will decide what to include in the budget proposal he will deliver to the General Assembly in January.

Besides presenting the DCH budget proposal, Walker on Thursday gave the agency’s board a briefing on the financial status of the State Health Benefit Plan.

Money for the program comes from employee/retiree premiums and the government.

The Community Health board earlier this month froze premiums for members for the third time in four years.

Walker said expenses outpaced revenue by $89 million last fiscal year and would do so by about $337 million this year.

The program currently has about $3 billion in reserve, but that could fall to $1 billion by the end of fiscal 2024 as losses escalate. The trend could be reversed by higher premiums, increased government subsidies, reduced expenditures or changes in the heath coverage.

The teachers, state employees and retirees on the program keep a close eye on its finances because lawmakers raided the reserve during the Great Recession to help the state balance its books. That led to higher premiums and attempts to change benefits to build back the reserve.

DCH officials have projected massive shortfalls in the past, so teacher groups have expressed skepticism about the estimates.


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