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REFORM- Biden-Harris Administration Takes Action to Help Schools Deliver Critical Health Care Services to Millions of Students New resources and proposed regulations

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[MM Curator Summary]: CMS proposed new regs, released a new guide, and approved 2 SPAs – all designed to make it easier to bill for Medicaid services provided at schools.



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Biden-Harris Administration Takes Action to Help Schools Deliver Critical Health Care Services to Millions of Students

New resources and proposed regulations from U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services advance Administration’s commitment to expanding health care access and fighting youth mental health crisis 

Today, on the Mental Health Awareness Day of Action, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking bold action to make it easier for schools to provide critical health care services, especially mental health services, for millions of students across the nation. These three significant actions support President Biden’s comprehensive national mental health strategy and deliver on his commitment to tackle the nation’s mental health crisis as part of his Unity Agenda.  Through a series of new announcements from the U.S. Departments of Education (ED) and Health and Human Services (HHS), the Administration is continuing to take a whole-of-government approach to meet families where they are and ensure that children have access to the health care they need – especially mental health services.  

Specifically, ED is proposing a new rule that would streamline Medicaid billing permissions for students with disabilities. ED predicts of the 500,000 new students who are found eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B each year, nearly 300,000 are likely to be eligible for Medicaid and impacted by this rule. HHS is issuing new guidance to make it easier for schools to bill Medicaid. HHS also is approving requests from New Mexico and Oregon to expand health care services that schools can deliver to Medicaid enrolled students.

“Students are six times more likely to access mental health when these services are offered in school, and that’s one important reason why making it easier for schools to provide health care is at the heart of the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to address the youth mental health crisis and raise the bar for learning conditions in our schools,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “These new resources and proposed rules will help schools live up to the promise that all students, including those with disabilities, receive a free, appropriate public education. We need to continue breaking down barriers that have long undermined state and local efforts to provide health care services to students, including those covered by Medicaid. Ultimately, more children and youth will gain access to the physical and mental health services they need to succeed in school and in life as a result of the actions the Biden-Harris Administration is taking today.” 

“We are taking bold actions to strengthen school-based health care services through our Medicaid program so that children in every community have the support they need,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “President Biden has made clear that strengthening youth mental health is a top priority of this Administration. We are working across the federal government, as well as with all states, territories and tribes, to meet families where they are and provide students with the services and supports they need to be healthy and thrive.”

IDEA Act Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

ED is releasing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking under IDEA that would streamline consent provisions when billing for Medicaid services provided through a student’s individualized education program (IEP). This would result in a uniform process applicable to all Medicaid enrolled children, regardless of disability.  

Many children with disabilities receiving services under the IDEA are also enrolled in Medicaid either due to their disability status and/or based on their family income. Children with disabilities and are more likely to have low income, and those covered by Medicaid are more likely to have greater health care needs than those who are covered by private insurance. Further, the COVID-19 pandemic reduced access to critical services for children with disabilities and other vulnerable populations. To meet the Administration’s goal of increasing access to health and mental health services, and in fulfillment of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) provision of expanding access to crucial school-based services for mental health and other care needs, it is crucial to remove barriers for schools so they can more easily provide Medicaid covered services to their students enrolled in Medicaid.

Importantly, the proposed changes announced today do not alter any of the critical parental consent provisions required by IDEA nor do they impact the parental consent obligations under the Family Educational Records and Privacy Act (FERPA). Additionally, the proposed rule does not alter the requirement that IEP services must be delivered at no cost to the child’s family, the requirement that IEP services cannot diminish other Medicaid-reimbursable services, nor Medicaid’s position as payor of first resort for IEP and Individualized Family Service Plan services. Rather, this regulatory change would help cut unnecessary red tape that schools and districts face in billing Medicaid and meet their obligations to ensure students with disabilities receive a free, appropriate public education in accordance with their IEP.

Guide to Expand School-Based Services for Millions of Students 

Today, HHS, through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is releasing a comprehensive guide for Medicaid school-based services to make it easier for schools to deliver and receive payment for health care services to millions of eligible students. Developed in consultation with ED, the Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming – PDF represents an important part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s implementation of the BSCA.   

In addition to providing billions in funding for school-based mental health personnel and supports to create safe and welcoming school environments, BSCA charged ED and HHS to expand access to school-based health and behavioral health services. The guide released today outlines flexibilities states can adopt to make it easier for schools to get paid for these critical health services delivered to children enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which together provide health coverage to more than half of all children in the United States.    

“With this guide, we are helping states and schools bring health care to kids where they are, rather than the other way around,” said CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. “Children spend most of their waking hours in school. We also know that children have suffered serious declines in access to mental and behavioral health care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re making it easier for states and schools to maximize Medicaid coverage to grow connections to care.”  

Medicaid and CHIP cover more than half of all children in this country.  That’s more than 41 million children spending over 30 hours weekly in school during most of the year. This comprehensive policy guide helps states and schools leverage Medicaid and CHIP and offers a roadmap of how they can build a bridge between education and health care, including mental health care, to support children enrolled in these programs and help them thrive.  

The guide clarifies, consolidates, and expands on a wealth of CMS guidance on how schools can receive payment for providing care for Medicaid- and CHIP-enrolled students, and how states can ease the administrative burden on school-based health providers to promote their participation in Medicaid and CHIP while meeting federal statutory and regulatory requirements. This includes helping states and schools operationalize: 

  • How payments can be made for school-based services under Medicaid and CHIP; 
  • How states can simplify billing for school-based services, including in rural and small or under-resourced communities, where care may be particularly challenging. 
  • Examples of approved methods that state agencies have used to pay for covered services; and  
  • How to enroll qualified health care providers to participate in Medicaid and furnish services within school settings. 

In the months to come, CMS plans to release more resources to help ensure states can optimize children’s access to school-based services. As outlined by BSCA, these resources include $50 million in grant opportunities and a school-based services technical assistance center, in partnership with ED. For more information on the guide, visit

New Mexico and Oregon School-based Services Expansion Approval

HHS, through CMS, also approved state plan amendments (SPAs) for both New Mexico and Oregon that will allow Medicaid to pay for health care services schools delivered to more of their Medicaid-enrolled students. Specifically, these SPAs will allow New Mexico and Oregon to receive Medicaid funding for services provided to all children covered by Medicaid, rather than only those children with an IEP. These approvals expand access to school-based health services, a key priority for the Biden-Harris Administration, that will strengthen Medicaid and help provide resources to combat the youth mental health crisis. New Mexico and Oregon join 12 other states that have already expanded Medicaid payment for school-based health care services under their state plans. These states include: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, and North Carolina.  

These announcements collectively are part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to addressing the nation’s mental health crisis by providing more school-based resources and supports to help address students’ mental health needs. Today’s announcement comes on the heels of ED’s announcement earlier this week on the latest tranche of awards to train school-based mental health professionals through the Mental Health Service Professionals demonstration program, which provided another nearly $100 million in awards as part of an overall appropriation of $1 billion in BSCA for school-based mental health services and supports. 

Collectively, these announcements build on actions HHS, CMS and ED have taken over the last year to expand access to school-based health care and trauma informed services.  Last summer, CMS released guidance for states on to strengthen the delivery of Medicaid and Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) youth behavioral health services and school-based services. Last fall, ED announced the Stronger Connections Grant program, which provided awards totaling $1 billion to 56 states and territories through BSCA to help schools in high-need districts provide students with safe, welcoming, and supportive learning opportunities and environments that are critical for their success. Last winter, HHS also awarded nearly $245 million to expand trauma informed services and supports for students and their families, including grants to State and Local Education Activities to bolster school-based services.

And at the beginning of the 2022 – 2023 school year, Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona and Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra sent a letter to governors across the country to highlight federal resources available to states and schools to invest in mental health services for students. ED also awarded $122 billion in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds to help schools reopen and recover, and experts indicate more than $2 billion has been directed to hire more school psychologists, counselors, and other mental health professionals in K-12 schools. With the help of these funds, as of March 2023, compared with the pre-pandemic period, the number of school social workers is up 48%, the number of school nurses is up 42%, and the numbers of school counselors and school psychologists are each up 10%.

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REFORM – Biden refuses to accept work requirements for Medicaid in GOP debt ceiling talks

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[MM Curator Summary]: There will be no reductions in Medicaid payments. If you ask again, I will send Cornpop to your house.



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Biden said he ‘voted years ago’ for work requirements but is now opposing the new Republican plan for Medicaid


President Biden said Wednesday that he will not accept any of the Medicaid work requirements in the Republican debt ceiling plan, leaving no room for negotiation even as he admitted to supporting work requirements in the past.

“I’m not going to accept any work requirements that’s going to impact on medical health needs of people,” Biden told reporters Wednesday. “I’m not going to accept any work requirements that go much beyond what is already – well, I voted years ago for the work requirements that exist, but it’s possible there could be a few others, but not anything of any consequence.” 

House GOP lawmakers included new work requirements for able-bodied adults to qualify for Medicaid in the Limit, Save, Grow Act. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated these requirements would save $109 billion in the next decade. Still, Democrats oppose the measure because they say it will make it harder for poor people to access benefits. 

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has said requiring Americans to work before they receive government benefits will “help lift millions of Americans out of poverty.” 



Right now, there are more job openings than people looking for work, in part because the Biden administration has weakened some of the very work requirements that then-Sen. Biden previously supported,” McCarthy said during a floor speech on April 19. 

“Our plan ensures adults without dependents earn a paycheck and learn new skills. By restoring these common sense measures, we can help more Americans earn a paycheck, learn new skills, reduce childhood poverty, and rebuild the workforce,” the speaker said. “It will also protect and preserve Medicare and Social Security because more people will be paying into it.” 



The White House and cleaders are engaged in tense negotiations as an early June deadline to raise the debt ceiling quickly approaches. Biden has issued a veto threat against the current GOP plan, which passed the House in April. 

McCarthy said Monday there’s been “no movement” as Republicans seek spending cuts in any deal while Democrats want a clean debt ceiling increase and the president has demanded spending talks be kept separate from debt limit talks. 



If you look at the timeline to pass something in the House and pass something in the Senate, you’ve got to have something done by this week, and we are nowhere near any of that,” McCarthy told reporters.

Nevertheless, Biden expressed confidence Wednesday that a deal will be reached in time. 


“I’m confident that we’ll get the agreement on the budget. America will not default, and every leader in the room understands the consequences if we fail to pay our bills, and it would be catastrophic for the American economy, the American people, if we didn’t pay our bills,” he said. 

Fox News’ Greg Wehner contributed to this report.

Chris Pandolfo is a writer for Fox News Digital. Send tips to and follow him on Twitter @ChrisCPandolfo.

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REFORM- Debt Breach Risks $71 Billion in Medicare, Medicaid Pay Delays

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[MM Curator Summary]: “Advocates” are already trotting out the Boogeyman that “uncertainty” over debt ceiling talks could maybe someday impact state payments to Medicaid providers. This has never happened and it will not happen.



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It’s still early, by Washington standards, in negotiations to raise the debt ceiling.

But as the once-routine process continues to devolve into a high-stakes game of chicken, the real-life impact of a debt limit breach on Medicare and Medicaid is already causing angst for policy watchers. President Joe Biden was scheduled to meet with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other congressional leaders at the White House Tuesday hoping to avoid a looming default.

The Bipartisan Policy Center projects that without action on the debt limit, the “X Date”—when the Treasury is unable to meet all of its financial obligations—will probably occur sometime between early June and early August. That could affect or delay some $49 billion in Medicare payments to medical providers and suppliers and $22 billion in Medicaid payments to states that are both due by June 9, according to the BPC.

For hospitals, doctors, and other health-care providers still working to regain patients amid rising labor and supply costs due to Covid-19, a debt ceiling standoff adds unwelcome uncertainty to their usually reliable Medicare reimbursements. And while reserve funds in most states have swelled during the pandemic, a debt-ceiling stalemate could require using that money to cover delayed federal Medicaid payments, which would leave less to help soften the effects of declining tax revenue and a possible recession.

“A state may say ‘we have sufficient state funds set aside that will cover 100%'” of the federal Medicaid matching payment “with the understanding that we will be reimbursed once this issue is settled,” said G. William Hoagland, a senior vice president at the Bipartisan Policy Center.

But because “all of the different federal sources of funding that states depend on could potentially be jeopardized at the same time” in a debt-limit breach, “I don’t think it’s safe to assume that states would automatically jump in and pay their Medicaid providers,” said Allison Orris, a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

‘A Lot of Lawsuits’

“If the states did not pay, I’m sure there will be a lot of lawsuits,” said Margaret A. Murray, CEO of the Association for Community Affiliated Plans, which represents 79 safety-net health plans nationwide. Medical providers who serve Medicaid patients “don’t always have great reserves to be able to afford to see patients that they’re not being paid for. So I think it’s going to cause a lot of chaos,” Murray said.

Delaying payments could also reduce beneficiary access by pushing providers “over the edge” and causing them to see fewer Medicare and Medicaid patients, said Tricia Neuman, senior vice president of KFF and executive director of its program on Medicare policy.

“It’s hard to say, for sure, what would happen because a debt-limit breach has never happened,” Neuman said. “But failure to raise the debt limit for a prolonged period of time could be hugely destabilizing for Medicare and Medicaid. And it could be disruptive for hospitals, physicians, and other health-care providers.”

Hospitals faced their worst year of the pandemic in 2022, and now face new fiscal challenges related to the May 11 end of the public health emergency. Uncompensated care costs for hospitals are likely to rise this year as the Medicaid “unwinding” increases the numbers of uninsured and underinsured.

And continued medical inflation and other cost pressures are projected to $98 billion in additional costs for hospitals from 2022 to 2023, according to a study by McKinsey. Delayed Medicare and Medicaid payments would only add to their struggle.

Impact on Managed Care Plans

Slow payments would also have downstream effects for private Medicare Advantage plans and Medicaid managed care plans, which “could in turn, have problems meeting their own obligations, paying their staff, and covering their bills,” Neuman said.

The nursing home industry is especially sensitive to that possibility.

“With the long-term care industry already experiencing a historic workforce crisis and recovering from the pandemic, any disruption of lifeline reimbursements will result in devastating consequences for our nation’s most vulnerable individuals who need access to care,” said a statement from the American Health Care Association and the National Center for Assisted Living.

Medicaid’s role in the debt-ceiling debate is complicated by the House Republican bill to raise the debt limit, H.R. 2811. The legislation would cut federal spending by about $130 billion and require able-bodied adults without dependents to complete work-related activities each month or risk losing their Medicaid coverage.

The proposal has little chance to pass the Senate but nonetheless has made Medicaid an unlikely political cudgel as debt-limit negotiations continue.

“I don’t think Medicaid should be used as a bargaining chip right now, given all the other things we’re going through with Medicaid, in terms of staff reductions and redeterminations,” Hoagland said.

“This is just not the time to make work requirements part of the debt limit discussion,” he said. “It doesn’t save a lot of money, It’s more ideological than it is substantive in terms of budget.”

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PHE/RTNO (WV) – SNAP work requirement, Medicaid redetermination to restart in West Virginia

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[MM Curator Summary]: WV will resume both its normal eligibility rules processing AND its enforcement of work requirements to get government food assistance.



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SNAP and Food Stamps provide nutrition benefits to supplement the budgets of disadvantaged families.

Jonathan Weiss | Shutterstock

(The Center Square) – The end of the federal COVID-19 emergency has led to two significant changes for those on assistance programs in West Virginia.

The state has re-started the redetermination program for those on Medicaid and WVCHIP. During the public health emergency, rules were suspended and those deemed eligible for programs remained eligible. As of March, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources reported that 665,010 West Virginia residents were on the programs.

That’s part of the estimated 100 million on Medicaid in the United States, according to the Foundation for Government Accountability. The FGA estimates that 20 million of those are actually ineligible for the programs, which is estimated to cost the U.S. $16 billion per month.

The work requirements for those ages 18-49 without children or dependants for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents will also resume statewide starting July 1.

All potentially impacted individuals will receive a letter in mid-May with more information,” DHHR said. “Those who believe they should be exempted from this requirement are encouraged to speak with their caseworker.”

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REFORM- CMMI Describes Progress on Addressing Health Equity

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[MM Curator Summary]: CMS plans on collecting lots more data for all the different cells it wants to sort people into for use in new policy agenda items. And some rural health and high cost drugs stuff for good measure.



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In October of 2021, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) unveiled its 2030 vision to achieve “equitable outcomes through high quality, affordable, and person-centered care.” One of the objectives to achieve this goal is to focus on “advancing health equity.”  Dr. Dora Hughes, the Chief Medical Officer of CMMI, recently outlined in a blog post the initiatives that CMMI has already conducted and is proposing to implement to advance health equity.

CMS defines health equity as “the attainment of the highest level of health for all people, where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain their optimal health regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, preferred language, or other factors that affect access to care and health outcomes.” In working to achieve health equity in testing its payment and service delivery models, CMMI has committed to the following:

  1. Developing new models and revising existing models to promote and incentivize equitable care.
  2. Increasing participation of safety net providers.
  3. Increasing collection and analysis of equity data.
  4. Monitoring and evaluating models for health equity impact.

Developing new models and revising existing models to promote and incentivize equitable care.

CMMI has revised the Medicare Advantage Value based Insurance Design Model, the ACO Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Heath (ACO REACH) Model, and the Maryland Primary Care Program, which is a component of the Maryland Total Cost of Care Model, to promote a more direct focus on health equity. Some of the revisions included providing supplemental benefits, such as food, transportation, and housing assistance to beneficiaries with chronic illness and unmet social needs, and providing payments to allow for additional support for care management services.  CMMI is also collecting better sociodemographic data, requiring model participants to create and implement health equity plans, and ensuring screening of beneficiaries for health-related social needs. CMMI also introduced the Enhancing Oncology Model (EOM) that focuses on cancers that disproportionately affect underserved populations and includes many of these same model policies.

Increasing participation of safety net providers.

To increase model participation among safety net providers, CMMI conducted external and internal analyses. The external analysis included engaging in interviews and listening sessions with safety-net provider stakeholders to identify any barriers to safety-net provider participation. The internal analysis looked at qualitative data related to model application requirements to see if they provided any barriers to participation. This data will be used to operationalize strategies for including more providers that serve Medicaid beneficiaries, as well as federally qualified health centers in CMMI Models.

Increasing collection and analysis of equity data.

CMMI uses data to evaluate findings and inform future model design. CMMI would like to collect equity data to “better stratify and evaluate model outcomes for beneficiary populations defined by factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, geography, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity.” CMMI has already started to collect equity data in the ACO REACH Model, which requires ACOs to collect sociodemographic data and health-related social needs data. CMMI is also working with other federal agencies and states to obtain equity data in the Integrated Care for Kids Model and the Maternal Opioid Misuse Model.

Monitoring and evaluating models for health equity impact.

CMMI is following a two-pronged approach to evaluate models and measure their impacts on underserved populations. CMMI will publish findings from a retrospective, cross-model review focused on underserved populations for older models. Additionally, this includes current models that will have expanded analytic work to capture health equity impact. For new or modified models, CMMI is designing multiple new forms of analyses to provide a thorough understanding of the health equity impact of the models. In addition to evaluations, CMMI is developing analysis such as “leading indicators” to provide early signals of a model’s performance.

Looking ahead in 2023

For the rest of 2023, CMMI is continuing to refine and improve their current efforts to address health equity. One expectation is that all new models will include health-related social needs screenings and referral components when feasible. CMMI has also, in alignment with cross-agency efforts, developed recommendations for measuring quality of care for underserved populations. Additional efforts CMMI would like to apply in 2023 include:

  1. Sharpening the focus on the needs of other underserved populations that are not well represented in models.
  2. Exploring options to build upon and support earlier investments in rural health, to address the unique access and health care needs of rural and geographically isolated communities.
  3. Continuing to explore mechanisms for social risk adjustment of payment, such as the use of dual eligibility status to better account for social risk.
  4. Addressing the high cost of drugs, in response to the Executive Order on Lowering Prescription Drugs.
  5. Identifying and remedying model designs that may lead to inequities.

Dr. Hughes said that CMMI’s equity to-do list is “ambitious but necessary… to ensure that our long-term transformational work equitably benefits all beneficiaries we serve.”

We will keep you informed of new CMMI models and their focus on addressing health equity as the agency provides more updates.

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PHE (AR)- Arkansas disenrolls 44,667 extended Medicaid beneficiaries; 72,802 total



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[MM Curator Summary]: The state of Arkansas just saved $2M in state funds per month by carefully removing people who are no longer authorized to receive tax-payer funded Medicaid benefits. MCOs lost about $100k in profit / month from the move.



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The Arkansas Department of Human Services said it disenrolled 44,667 Medicaid beneficiaries whose coverage had been extended because of the COVID-19 public health emergency in the month of April – the first month Arkansas could do so under federal rules.

Another 28,135 cases were closed as part of DHS’s normal operations, bringing the total for the month to 72,802. The department said in a press release that it averaged 25,000 monthly disenrollments in 2018 and 2019 before the pandemic began. Among the cases due in April, coverage was renewed for 61,236 beneficiaries.

Arkansas stopped disenrolling most Medicaid beneficiaries after former President Donald Trump on March 18, 2020, signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. It increased federal Medicaid matching funds for states that kept all individual cases active during the public health emergency.

DHS this month started making the removals as a result of the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed into law last December. It allowed states after March 31 to begin dropping Medicaid recipients who are no longer eligible. Normal eligibility rules, set by Congress and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, resumed April 1. All beneficiaries who have not had a renewal in the last 12 months will be redetermined. State law requires that the work be completed in six months.

A press release said the department expects enrollment to continue to decline in the coming months. Enrollment is still 145,475 beneficiaries higher than it was at the beginning of the pandemic. It was 921,066 on March 31, 2020. On May 1, it was 1,066,541. The state’s Medicaid numbers rose by 230,000 total during the pandemic.

Broken down by category of assistance, 18,561 of the disenrolled extended beneficiaries were part of the ARHOME program, the state’s Medicaid expansion program created under Obamacare. Another 9,662 ARHOME beneficiaries lost their coverage because of regular DHS operations. Coverage was removed from 14,242 extended beneficiaries in the ARKids First A program, the program that serves children. Another 9,595 cases were closed as part of regular operations. In the ARKids First B program, which serves children whose parents make too much money to qualify for regular Medicaid, there were 1,085 extended cases and 778 regular cases closed.

One of the two other categories of beneficiaries were those who were served by the Parents or Other Caretaker Relative program, which covers adults with related minor children in the home for whom they exercise care. In that category, 7,944 extended cases and 4,962 regular cases were closed.

Finally, the state’s newborn program provides full coverage to children up to age 1 whose mothers were eligible for services at the time of their birth. They are guaranteed coverage their first year of life regardless of income changes occurring in the home. In that category, 1,085 extended cases and 778 regular cases were closed.

By far the most common reason for closing a case was the failure of recipients to return the renewal form. That was 44,714 total cases and included 35,625 extended cases and 9,089 regular cases. The other reasons for closure were as follows.
• Failure to return requested information: 7,673 total; 1,596 extended; 6,077 regular
• Client requested closure: 5,791 total; 2,685 extended; 3,106 regular
• Household income is above limit for household size: 5,414 total; 1,485 extended; 3.929 regular
• Unable to locate – returned mail: 2,024 total; 739 extended; 1,285 regular

DHS began ramping up its preparations for the unwinding in January 2022. It has tested its systems through a variety of scenarios. Testing will continue throughout the process. More than a year ago, it contracted temporary workers to help with eligibility determinations. It has made phone calls, met with providers and others, and conducted awareness campaigns to try to inform beneficiaries of the change.

Last month, Mary Franklin, director of the DHS Division of County Operations, said at a webinar sponsored by Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families that the state continued to process applications and renewals throughout the three years of the public health emergency but kept individuals enrolled even when their incomes exceeded eligibility limits, when they didn’t respond to DHS communications, when their level of care for long-term supports changed, or when they aged out of eligibility. aCases were closed when individuals died, were incarcerated, moved out of state or asked to be removed.

The department said disenrolled beneficiaries can access insurance from other sources, including their employer or through the health insurance marketplace. The disenrolled can appeal the disenrollment and can get more information at this link.

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CHINA REPORTS ON MEDICAID- ‘I can neither afford commercial insurance nor get Medicaid benefits’ – CGTN (China Global Television Network)

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The article below has been highlighted and summarized by our research team. It is provided here for member convenience as part of our Curator service.


[MM Curator Summary]: In which the world’s superpower tells us about how much Medicaid eligibility processes are bad. Published by the official Central Propaganda Department of the CCP (not making that up).


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Content is automatically generated by Microsoft Azure Translator Text API. CGTN is not responsible for any of the translations.

In February 2023, the World Economic Forum released statistics showing that “health care spending is significantly higher in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world.” According to a survey by Gallup in December 2022, nearly 40 percent of American adults have experienced difficulties in paying healthcare bills and accessing affordable and quality medical services, and most of them consider medical expenses a source of daily stress.

Marvel, 28, has been suffering from Lyme disease since high school. The disease requires him to constantly keep tabs on his own health problems. Unable to afford expensive commercial insurance, he tried applying for subsidized health insurance, but was given misleading information by local health authorities. “I am basically without any tool to facilitate my own health,” said Marvel.

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PHE- Up to 500,000 at risk as Georgians must requalify for Medicaid


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[MM Curator Summary]: More details on Georgia’s plan to comply with federal requirements to return to normal operations by resuming eligibility oversight processes for Medicaid members who may longer be eligible.


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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signs a bill allowing a state health insurance marketplace into law at the state Capitol on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, in Atlanta. Georgia’s state government will for the first time run its own marketplace for individual health insurance under the bill signed by Kemp. (AP Photo/Jeff Amy)


Some people know what Alysia Cutting is talking about when she brings up Medicaid unwinding as she moves from one community event to the next in southwest Georgia.

But for most of them, word of the renewal process starting up again — and the potential they could lose Medicaid coverage — is news to them.

Medicaid renewals are back after a three-year hiatus during the pandemic, when states were barred from kicking people off the public insurance program during the COVID-19 crisis.

And the yearlong process of determining the eligibility of all 2.7 million adults and children covered by Medicaid started last month could end with more than a half million Georgians losing coverage because they no longer qualify.

When she catches someone unaware, Cutting quickly fills them in on what’s happening, directs them to the state’s site and tries to convey a sense of urgency as she sends them on their way with a flier in English and Spanish.

“Please make sure you do this. It’s super, super important. It’s really urgent. Make sure you get this done,” Cutting, who is the rural health equity director with SOWEGA Rising, said of her message.

On a recent Saturday, Cutting was spreading the word at a health fair held at a public housing community in Albany, where a financial incentive was being offered for anyone who received their first COVID-19 vaccine or booster.

Most Sundays, you will find Cutting visiting places of worship in the area as she tries to work information about Medicaid redetermination into announcements to the congregation and into church bulletins. Another key strategy to reaching people in her corner of the state: Getting the information posted at barbershops, salons and other small businesses.

She attempts to amplify the message state agencies have been pushing for several months: Make sure your contact information is up to date in your Georgia Gateway account.

“People have moved. People have relocated. Situations have changed,” Cutting said. “It’s a lot. I just would not want for someone’s mailbox to have a little letter in there, and they’ve moved and now they’re sleeping at their grandmother’s house because they lost the apartment or lost the house.”

Navigating the process

The 2.7 million renewals are being handled as about a dozen batches, with the first group of people mailed notices in mid-April. This work will be underway through next May.

The state sent out nearly 7,500 renewal notices last month, but most of the groupings will be about 250,000 each, according to the state Department of Human Services. Medicaid enrollees can see their scheduled renewal date in their Gateway account.

This massive multi-agency undertaking will mostly fall to an army of caseworkers with the Division of Family and Children Services within Human Services. About $8.4 million was added to this year’s budget and another $11 million was pumped into next year’s budget to increase staffing and purchase technology to support the workload.

(READ MORE: Governor warns of budget ‘holes’ after Georgia lawmakers sign off on new spending plan)

But low public awareness has also presented a challenge nationally. In December, more than six in 10 adults in Medicaid-enrolled families said they were not aware that the regular renewal process was restarting, according to a survey from the Urban Institute.

A major focus for the state has been to put the looming renewal on the radar of those covered by Medicaid while directing them to update their contact information in their Georgia Gateway account so they will receive important notices when it is their turn to go through the process.

The department contracted with Atlanta-based Jackson Spalding last June to lead Georgia’s statewide public information campaign, including a series of ads featuring an animated “spokespeach” named George A. Peach.

The contract with the firm allows it to spend up to $5 million on this work in the first year, according to its contract with the state.

The statewide marketing campaign has so far included social media, TV, radio and digital ads, billboards, direct mail outreach, printed materials, and text message outreach. The state’s unwinding website includes resources available in Spanish, Burmese, Korean and other languages.

The state is also working with the three care management organizations that provide Medicaid benefits, notifying them which of their members are up for redetermination.

Jason Bearden, president of CareSource Georgia, said his organization is attempting to reach out to those members — or talk to them when they initiate communication — to discuss the process and their coverage options. CareSource, which provides Medicaid benefits for about a half million Georgians, offers private insurance plans through the federal marketplace.

CareSource’s community educators are also setting up at local events and on major hospital campuses like Grady Health and Northeast Georgia Health System to catch enrollees as they use their benefits.

Bearden said public awareness about important health care events is always a concern. He lauded the state for putting money into a public relations and marketing campaign to try to boost awareness.

“Us policy wonks, we get it. But we have got to do a really good job of getting the word out there,” Bearden said.

“Is it perfect? No. Can we always do more? Yes. But it is a big concern to all of us around awareness and what do I need to do, because it’s complex — why is eligibility anchored to all these different variables? Income, job status, family size — it’s confusing.”

(READ MORE: Georgia to take over health insurance market under new law)

The state has provided an online toolkit and other information for groups like SOWEGA Rising to use as they assist their communities.

But other states have gone further. For example, Arkansas has offered small grants to community organizations to reach more people and help them through what many advocates describe as a thorny process.

“Knowing about it is one thing, and navigating the process is another thing,” said Callan Wells, senior health policy manager with the Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students.

Kylie Winton, communications director with DHS, said other plans are in the works to partner with local organizations that can often act as a trusted messenger in their community, as seen during the pandemic.


Behind the scenes, state officials say there is work underway to renew coverage when possible without all the tedious back-and-forth exchange of paperwork.

Caseworkers will attempt to determine a Medicaid enrollee’s status with the data already on file, although it remains to be seen how many people’s eligibility can be redetermined this way.

The federal government is pushing states to lean on this method.

Caylee Noggle, commissioner of state Department of Community Health, which administers the state’s Medicaid program, told the agency’s advisory board in April that the state agencies will first try to use this method — known as an ex parte renewal.

“I don’t know exactly what we’ll hit. We’re trying to increase our ability to be really effective at that. But we’re going to shoot for as high as we can get,” Noggle said.

(READ MORE: Georgia Medicaid insurer denied psychotherapy for thousands)

There’s room for improvement, advocates say. In 2019, Georgia was one of 22 states where less than half of renewals were done using available data sources, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey.

Maximizing this strategy benefits both enrollees and Division of Family and Children Services employees, who are toiling in roles in state government with historically high turnover, says Leah Chan, senior health analyst with the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute.

“This process — that is already fraught even in the best of circumstances — relies on this workforce that I don’t think is getting all of the support it needs in our state budget, and so, that’s one of the reasons this ex parte is so critical,” Chan said. “If we can take a little bit of the pressure off that frontline Division of Family and Children Services workforce, it could reduce the risk for human error being made.”

The renewal process can be arduous, requiring multiple steps and supporting documentation in a short 45-day period. If an enrollee believes they have been denied coverage in error, they can appeal the decision.

But Wells with the Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students said she worries about even short breaks in coverage for young children due to “bureaucratic errors.” A lapse in care, for example, could mean missing health screenings designed to catch a developmental delay early.

Nearly 40% of Georgia children are covered by Medicaid, according to Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families.

“Even if they can reapply and get back on Medicaid, we could see gaps in coverage during this really critical time,” Wells said.

Wells said the state can minimize the number of people removed in error by utilizing those alternative data sources for renewals when possible. But in the long term, she advocates for allowing continuous Medicaid eligibility for the youngest Georgians — through age six — to avoid unnecessary coverage gaps.

“This is going to continue to be an issue beyond unwinding,” she said.

(READ MORE: TennCare: Nearly 300,000 Tennesseans likely to lose coverage)

In Georgia, 6.6% of children have no insurance, which is higher than the national average, and there is concern that number could increase because of the redetermination process, Wells said.

“I am worried about the number of families who are going to lose (coverage) because of the bureaucratic barriers, and I think that that’s missing from the conversation,” she said.

Winton with Human Services said the agency expects about three-fourths of renewals for children and adults to be able to go the automated route. Some, though, will require a manual review.

She also said the state will try at least two other methods to find someone if their renewal notice cannot be delivered to the address on file, using all available databases to find up-to-date contact information.

Medicaid enrollees also have a chance following the renewal process to submit any missing documents or information.

“If a case is closed because a member’s whereabouts are unknown or there are procedural issues with their renewal, the member has 90 days to provide additional information to verify their eligibility,” Winton said.

‘We will see very large coverage losses’

The earliest anyone is likely to lose Medicaid coverage under the state’s timeline for the unwinding is June 1.

That’s when Cynthia Gibson says she expects the phones at Georgia Legal Services Program to start lighting up.

Georgia Legal Services Program, which provides free assistance to those outside of metro Atlanta, will help someone submit an appeal if they believe their coverage was denied in error. The organization also runs a federally funded program called Georgia Enroll that can help people who are no longer eligible for Medicaid find coverage.

“Our expectation is that we’re going to get a lot of calls once the terminations start,” said Gibson, who is a managing attorney and a health law specialist with the program.

“And we expect there’s going to be people who never get the notices, and so they’re not going to know about their termination until they try to use their insurance and then they’re going to find out they don’t have it.”

Gibson said the organization anticipates a “large need” to represent those affected by the redetermination process, whether it’s filing an appeal or signing up for an insurance plan on the marketplace because they no longer qualify for Medicaid.

(READ MORE: In Tennessee, a Medicaid mix-up could land you on a ‘most wanted’ list)

Adding to the confusion is the question of whether Georgia’s new Medicaid plan — Georgia Pathways to Coverage — will launch as planned this July.

Gov. Brian Kemp’s narrower alternative to traditional Medicaid expansion has been delayed by legal challenges and pushback from the Biden administration, which did not appeal a federal judge’s opinion that sided with the state.

When Kemp’s plan was first unveiled, about 50,000 people were estimated to gain coverage. The agency now projects about 345,000 people may be eligible, according to Fiona Roberts, press secretary for the Department of Community Health.

“Georgia Pathways is expected to launch on July 1, 2023. DCH continues to work with (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and its partners to be ready to implement on the go-live date,” Roberts said in a statement.

Low-income adults can qualify for coverage through the new Medicaid program if they complete 80 hours of a qualifying activity, such as working, attending school, or volunteering every month — a controversial condition known as a work requirement.

But patient and health care advocates warn that the risk of significant numbers of people becoming uninsured is greater in states like Georgia, which is now one of 10 states that have not fully expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.

North Carolina lawmakers voted to change course this year, becoming the first neighboring Southern state to expand Medicaid.

“There will be far fewer uninsured folks as a result of this Medicaid renewal process in states with Medicaid expansion. Georgia is not one of those, so we will see very large coverage losses,” Laura Colbert, executive director of Georgians for a Health Future, which is a nonpartisan patient advocacy group, said during a recent Protect Our Care program.

Colbert said the state agencies have made “really good faith efforts to plan as best they can,” but noted that it falls to the governor and lawmakers to ensure they have the resources they need.

But even with additional funding this year, attracting and training enough workers for this complex task that is already underway will be a challenge in the current labor environment, she said.

That hiring is ongoing. Winton with DHS said the agency just onboarded 276 new employees, with more people in the pipeline, and said there are early signs the agency’s turnover rate for the role of economic support specialist is trending lower.


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STATE NEWS (IL) – Expected cost for Illinois’ noncitizen health care program hits $1.1B


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[MM Curator Summary]: Initial estimates were off by $880M in state only costs compared to the estimate the Good Guvn’r used to originally sell the idea. 30% more noncitizens have already signed up than originally projected.



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SPRINGFIELD  — The estimated cost for Illinois to continue providing health care coverage to noncitizens who are otherwise ineligible for Medicaid benefits has been revised upward to $1.1 billion for the upcoming fiscal year.

As of the end of March, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services estimated it would cost $990 million to fund the program that provides state-funded health care to individuals age 42 and older who would otherwise qualify for Medicaid if not for their citizenship status.

The new estimate, shared by IDHFS Director Theresa Eagleson in testimony to a Senate appropriations committee on Wednesday, is now $880 million beyond the $220 million estimate included in Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s February budget proposal.

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IDHFS Chief of Staff Ben Winick told the committee the original estimate relied on the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey data to estimate the eligible population, then assumed a certain percentage would enroll.

But both the cost of providing care and the number of enrollees have far outpaced estimates.

“Because of the unreliability of that data, the projections for enrollment are really just focused on month-over-month growth based on the trends that we’re seeing and not tied to the universe of eligibles,” Winick said. 

10 percent monthly growth

The projections are now based on the program’s current month-over-month growth rate of roughly 10 percent. The number of enrollees is expected to grow to over 120,000 in Fiscal Year 2024. The previous estimate was 98,500 enrollees.

Winick noted the program currently covers about 56,000 individuals while the department oversees health care for about 3.9 million people through its various programs statewide.

State Sen. Dave Syverson, R-Cherry Valley, raised concerns over the fact that no other states offer the same level of health care coverage for noncitizens as Illinois. That, he said, could result in ever-increasing enrollment and upward adjustments to cost estimates.

“As Illinois is the only state in the nation that fully covers health care for undocumenteds from age 42 and older, when they’re crossing the border, and they realize they have health conditions, they know there’s one state to come to if you have health issues,” he said at a Thursday news conference. “Illinois now, because of the policies of this state of being a welcoming state, is now being inundated with every sick individual from around the country that’s coming here.”

The same Senate committee heard a proposal from Sen. Omar Aquino, D-Chicago, that would further expand Medicaid coverage to noncitizens age 19 and older. That would cost another $380 million, per IDHFS estimates.

“We were the first (state) in this country to provide care to populations like this from 42 and above. We are a welcoming state, I say that with a sense of pride,” Aquino said.

He said the expansion means people who were “living in the shadows” are now able to seek care, and the pace of the program’s growth shows the need for it.

“Some of this is highlighting, again, a lot of the untreated medical issues that they have from Type 2 diabetes, cancers and so forth,” he said.

Eagleson noted that the per-patient cost for individuals age 65 and older has been leveling off since that population was first made eligible for the state-run health care program in 2021. The program has since been expanded twice to cover those 42 and older.

“I think it’s important to say that we are seeing people get those diagnostic services and drugs to help them manage chronic conditions and things like that,” Eagleson said. “So on the senior population that started sooner … those costs grew pretty rapidly in the first years, and then they actually decreased and now are just normal inflationary, so they start to level off as people get the treatment.”

Winick said a large portion of the program’s enrollees live in Cook County, and its results have been born out in decreased reliance on the county-run health system.

“A lot of that’s because those conditions are now being managed,” he said. “People are getting proper treatment and now they’re getting more preventive services than the higher-end stuff and they are using their coverage to access a wider variety of providers.” 

Defraying the cost

The department’s all-funds budget request as of February was $37.2 billion, with just over $9 billion from the General Revenue Fund.

The Pritzker administration estimated that the IDHFS budget as proposed could cover about $300 million of the greater-than-expected costs.

“The governor’s focus remains on investing in priorities he outlined during his budget address,” Pritzker spokesperson Jordan Abudayyeh said in a statement. “His administration is working closely with the General Assembly to ensure that additional priorities fit within a balanced budget framework.”

Department officials noted that they were looking into other ways to defray costs as well.

Because the individuals are not citizens, the federal government does not match the state’s contributions to the program. But Eagleson said the federal Medicaid program “does fund the emergency services for undocumented residents.”

“And so we have already gotten a verbal commitment for – it’s about $67 million in (federal) match for the money that we’ve already spent on the program,” she said of discussions with the federal government. “And then we think the estimate based on the cost…for emergency services will be in the neighborhood of $100 to $120 million going forward.”

The Republican senators also noted that the noncitizens are part of a fee-for-service Medicaid program instead of the Medicaid managed care program in which most other recipients are enrolled.

That managed care system uses private insurance companies known as managed care organizations, or MCOs, to coordinate care for Medicaid recipients. The state releases funds to MCOs at a statute-specified rate. Those MCOs are charged an “assessment,” a type of tax on providers designed to bring more federal funds into the state’s Medicaid program.

Eagleson said putting the noncitizen recipients in the managed care program wouldn’t necessarily decrease costs, but it would subject the recipients to the assessment via the MCO, thereby increasing revenues.

Winick said the reason the noncitizens were not included in managed care was because the department anticipated the group would be much smaller than it has become.

“Obviously now that we’re looking at much higher enrollment numbers, we are considering our options about maybe expediting the rollout of managed care for this population,” he said.

Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet, pointed out that the money spent on the expansion could have fully funded 20 percent Medicaid base rate expansion for hospitals that has been requested or adequate funding for services provided to individuals with developmental disabilities. 

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PHE – Medicaid work requirements may result in 1.7M in coverage losses




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[MM Curator Summary]: The move to have a national Medicaid work requirement could save federal taxpayers $10.3B, but still let states who want to not have work requirements the ability to pay for them on their own.


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The requirements would result in federal savings, but would pass costs on to states and cause large coverage losses, data showed.


Photo: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

At the tail end of April, Republicans in the House of Representatives passed a debt ceiling bill that includes a stipulation for states to implement work requirements for certain Medicaid enrollees. A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation determined that if the work requirement was fully implemented in 2024 and the rate of Medicaid eligibility loss was as the Congressional Budget Office estimated, then 1.7 million enrollees would not meet work or reporting requirements and potentially face disenrollment.

Data showed that 91% of non-elderly Medicaid enrollees who are not on Supplemental Security Income or Medicare are working or face barriers to work.

States could continue to provide Medicaid to those enrollees but would not receive federal matching funds for doing so. It’s unclear if any states would choose to do it, although the CBO estimated that more than half of enrollees would continue to be covered at the states’ expense.

If states chose to keep all 1.7 million people enrolled, $10.3 billion of Medicaid spending would shift from the federal to state governments in 2024. A small number of states with the largest share of enrollees under the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion would account for almost half of the increased state spending or coverage losses.


The Medicaid work requirement plan would require that certain enrollees between the ages of 19-55 work or participate in other qualifying activities for at least 80 hours per month. Those could include community service or job training. Those deemed mentally or physically unfit for employment would be exempted, as would pregnant people, those caring for a dependent child or incapacitated person, those in drug or alcohol treatment programs, or people who are in school.

If enrollees fail to meet those requirements for three months or more, the federal government would cease paying the federal share of Medicaid for their expenses. States could disenroll them or continue their coverage but pay 100% of the costs. Eligibility for federal funds could resume at the start of the following calendar year.

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that if the work requirements are enacted, about 15 million enrollees per year would be subject to the new requirements, and about 1.5 million of them would lose eligibility for federal funding. That would result in federal savings of about $109 billion over a 10-year period, but that cost would shift to states that elected to maintain coverage. About 60% of those who lost federal eligibility would become uninsured because they live in states that did not maintain coverage; for the states that did, costs would increase $65 billion from 2023 to 2033.

In summary, “under those requirements, federal costs would decrease, the number of people without health insurance would increase, the employment status of and hours worked by Medicaid recipients would be unchanged, and state costs would increase,” the CBO said.

KFF estimated 16.7 million enrollees in the expansion group would be between ages 19 and 55 in May 2024 using the age distribution of expansion adults in administrative data. This estimate includes some parents of dependent children, who would be exempt from the work requirement but still potentially subject to reporting requirements. If 10% fail to meet the work or reporting requirements, as CBO assumed, 1.7 million enrollees could lose eligibility for federal matching funds in 2024.


The Biden administration first began taking steps to roll back Medicaid work requirements in 2021, citing the economic and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which it said could make it more difficult for Medicaid recipients to fulfill the requirements.

“Uncertainty regarding the current crisis and the pandemic’s aftermath, and the potential impact on economic opportunities (including job skills training and other activities used to satisfy community engagement requirements, i.e., work and other similar activities), access to transportation and to affordable child care have greatly increased the risk that implementation of the community engagement requirement approved in this demonstration will result in unintended coverage loss,” CMS said in letters to states at the time.

Hospitals in states that implement Medicaid work requirements could see their Medicaid revenues decrease by as much as 21%, their uncompensated care costs increase as much as 133% and their operating margins fall by upward of 2%, according to estimates by The Commonwealth Fund.

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