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Georgia budget: House endorses behavioral health & developmental disability spend, not Medicaid

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GA legislators have approved increased funding for MH/BH.


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The state’s top House Republican says his chamber’s version of the $27.3 billion state budget makes a new, significant investment in Georgians’ mental and behavioral health needs. But Democrats say Georgians need much more health spending in general.

For House Speaker David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, one of the highlights of the state House budget is $58 million in new or restored state spending on the needs of folks who have behavioral health challenges or developmental disabilities. Earlier this year, he had announced those services would be a House priority this year in spending and legislation, after a 2020 study commission.

The House’s total budget is just about same amount as that of Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.  But the House “found” some money for its priorities by trimming a couple of places like economic development and accounting for the feds’ willingness to pay a greater percent of Medicaid costs during COVID-19.

So the House’s proposed $58 million will pay for things like services for 2,100 more people who have addictive diseases and mental health services for some 5,200 more Georgians. Pending approval from the federal government, the House budget would also increase the rates the state pays to intellectual and developmental disability providers.  And it includes $7 million in annual funding for a behavioral health crisis center for people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.

“Part of our work is to remove the stigma from seeking help for behavioral health or developmental disability services. It is nothing to be ashamed of and it is nothing to hide from if you need help,” Ralston said at a press conference Friday, just after his chamber passed the budget, 136-31.

Georgia’s spending has long been conservative, too conservative for Democrats. Hence the ‘no’ votes. It took years for state spending per Georgian to recover to what it was before the 2008 Great Recession, for example.

And many cuts made last year in preparation for a recession this year are still in the budget — even though state tax revenue has been healthy. K-12 education is set for an appropriation of about $10.2 billion.  Two years ago, it was $10.6 billion.

Even some Republicans think state has been a little too tight and that it needs to do things like increase state staff salaries to try and keep folks from quitting.

All year, Democrats have been urging the majority Republicans to draw down the state’s $2.5 billion-plus rainy day fund for the things pandemic-ravaged Georgians need today and in the near future.

Ralston said the state needs to be “cautious” about drawing from the rainy day fund and that he appreciates the “measured” approach to the rainy day fund in Kemp’s version of the draft budget. Memories are probably still there of the Great Recession, when the rainy day fund went down to a frightening $103 million.

However, Democratic state Rep. Jasmine Clark of Lilburn said that at this point, Georgia is socking money in a bank instead of filling its empty fridge.

She doubled down on a policy Democrats have sought for years: expansion of Medicaid to more low-income Georgians. The state would pay for a share of that and the feds would pay a share.

Expansion would “provide billions in matching funds and give hundreds of thousands of Georgians access to health care and save rural hospitals from shuttering their doors,” Clark said on the House floor Friday.

To make that point, House Democrats tried an almost unheard of parliamentary maneuver: adding Medicaid expansion to the budget bill via House floor amendment. Not surprisingly, that move failed, 68-98. Republicans have for years said an expansion would be too costly.

Gov. Kemp’s draft budget for the year that will begin in July is fairly similar in proportion to the House version.

So, overall, the House’s budget proposal and that of the governor are very similar to recent years: the most money for education and health. In fact, if the whole budget were $1, more than 50 cents would go to those two areas.

The state Senate will come up with their own draft budget in the coming weeks. Then the House, Senate and governor must come to some consensus budget by March 31.


House budget documents

Gov. Brian Kemp’s budget documents


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Measure on Medicaid clears state insurance panel

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Arkansas has revised its expansion program to tie managed care coverage to work and job training requirements.


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An Arkansas Senate committee Thursday endorsed legislation that would change the state’s current version of Medicaid expansion that provides private health insurance to more than 300,000 low-income people to a program that incentivizes work or continuing education.

With no audible dissenters, the eight-member Senate Insurance and Commerce Committee recommended approval of Senate Bill 410 by Sen. Missy Irvin, R-Mountain View. The bill now goes to the Senate.

If enacted, the measure — the proposed “Arkansas Health and Opportunity for Me Act” — would clear the way for the state Department of Human Services to apply for a waiver from the federal government for what would be called the proposed ARHOME program.

ARHOME would replace the Arkansas Works program starting next year. The state law for the Arkansas Works version and the federal waiver for it expire Dec. 31.

Under the proposal, low-income people in the program would remain qualified to be covered by private health plans only if they meet certain criteria to be set by the Human Services Department, including working or continuing education. Those who failed to qualify would be moved to a traditional fee-for-service model.

[RELATED: See complete Democrat-Gazette coverage of the Arkansas Legislature at]

Irvin said the state’s partnership with private health insurance plans through the Medicaid expansion during the past several years has helped bring billions of federal dollars into the state’s economy and that “has helped stabilize our health care economy and infrastructure.”

Under the new program, the federal government would continue to pay 90% of the cost of the Medicaid expansion program, and Arkansas would cover the other 10%.

Irvin said the proposed program is projected to bring in $9.7 billion from the federal government over the next five years, while shifting the program to the traditional Medicaid fee-for-service program is projected to bring in about $3 billion less in federal funds over that period.

The current program pays higher rates to hospitals and health care providers, and that opens the door for increased access to medical care for Medicaid patients, she said.

The Medicaid expansion program provides private health insurance coverage for adults earning up to 138% of the federal poverty level, which is $17,774 for a single person and $36,570 for a family of four.

The program’s enrollment totaled 311,511 Arkansans as of Feb. 1, up from about 250,233 on March 1, 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic arrived in Arkansas, according to the Human Services Department.

Arkansas’ version of Medicaid expansion initially was called the private option and was authorized in 2013 by the Republican-controlled Legislature and then-Gov. Mike Beebe, a Democrat. In his first term, Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed legislation to create a work requirement for the Medicaid expansion program, which was rebranded as Arkansas Works.

The state work requirement for the program hasn’t been enforced since a federal judge ruled in March 2019 that federal law didn’t allow then-President Donald Trump’s administration to authorize that requirement in Arkansas. That ruling has been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

President Joe Biden’s administration last week asked the U.S. Supreme Court to cancel March 29 oral arguments in the case, saying that it has “preliminarily determined” that the work-related requirements would “not promote the objectives of the Medicaid program.”

Because the annual appropriation for the Medicaid expansion must be approved by a three-fourths majority of the Legislature each year, the program faces an annual challenge in the Republican-dominated body.

Irvin said the proposed program is intended to target individuals “where they are in their lives … and yield all the resources available to them that we already offer in many areas” or plan to offer to make a difference.

“I am thrilled about this health policy,” she said.

“It is a phenomenal rural health initiative to be honest with you, but it also combines with our urban issues as well,” Irvin said.

The proposed program also would include:

• Acute mental health crisis services and substance abuse services.

• Home visiting programs for pregnant women and babies in the first two years of life.

• Services to connect with young adults who were formerly in foster care, formerly incarcerated or formerly in the Division of Youth Services custody, and veterans.

But Sen. Keith Ingram, D-West Memphis, said he is concerned that the average Arkansan in the Medicaid expansion program doesn’t distinguish between private health insurance coverage and traditional Medicaid fee-for-service coverage.

“If they don’t and they fall to Medicaid, I’m afraid when they want to go see a physician that that physician might not be accepting [traditional] Medicaid, and that individual is going to turn around and go back to the emergency rooms and undo several years of what we tried to do in getting people health coverage from providers,” he said.

“How are our citizens going to know the difference on the incentives in order to take advantage of private health insurance?”

Dennis Smith, senior adviser for Medicaid and health care change at the Department of Human Services, said the private health insurance carriers in the program will want to meet quality performance measures, so a carrier could offer the insured a gift card to get flu shots, annual health checkups and various screenings.

“So the performance measures and the incentives on the health initiatives go hand in hand to make certain people are incentivized to do that, and carriers are doing it because they know it works,” he said.

Ingram said communication is important to people in the Medicaid expansion program.

“Forgive us if we can be a little skeptical because of what happened with the total debacle on the work requirement,” he said. “Many, many people did not know that they did not have insurance until they went to their provider. There was no communication to them. They didn’t know what they had to get it. I know that is something that is important that has to be addressed this time around.”

Irvin said she views the current Arkansas Works program as “a one-size-fits-all” approach, and she believes work is important and allows people to be innovative, creative and productive.

But she said the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for all people in the program.

“But we also know that we want there to be a health policy that can engage these people to find better work,” Irvin said. “That’s what we do in career and technical [education].”

The proposed program “breaks down all those silos and it targets and is intentionally designed around that person and where they are in life to be able to connect them with the [Division] of Workforce Services … and to able to happily improve somebody’s life,” she said.

“I see ARHOME as really kind of the last piece of the puzzle to really incentivize both better health outcomes, but also life circumstances for that individual, and is intentionally designed to do it … and bring the full force of government programs, both at the federal and at the state level, in a way that we can better communicate what’s out there for them,” Irvin said.

Under Senate Bill 410, there is a provision on if there is an opportunity to request from the federal government during the next five years either a block grant or a work requirement, the department should begin that process, said Department of Human Services Secretary Cindy Gillespie. “It does not say DHS will go ask for a work requirement now.”

Gillespie said one of the goals of the proposed program is to try to connect people with opportunities, including education and training, that will help them move toward economic independence.

“That’s where work comes in for some portion of the population,” she said.

The program’s population now totals about 311,000 — up from about 250,000 a year ago — because of the covid-19 pandemic, so there are a lot of people in the program who weren’t there a year ago and who were largely working a year ago, Gillespie said.

The proposed program “is very much a collaborative effort between us, workforce services, career ed, chamber of commerce, etc., helping connect people to opportunities,” she said.

Irvin said the bill would create accountability and oversight committees.

“We added more oversight to go before the Legislative Council as well if certain metrics that we set are not met,” she said.


Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) Secretary Cindy Gillespie addresses the media as she, Governor Asa Hutchinson and State Legislators Sen. Missy Irvin and Rep. Michelle Gray, discuss proposed legislation to replace the Arkansas Works program on Monday, March 1, 2021. See more photos at Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Swofford)


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Senate approves the reworked Medicaid expansion without the work rule – Arkansas Times

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Arkansas has revised its expansion program to tie managed care coverage to work and job training requirements.


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The Senate today approved SB 410 to continue the private option version of Medicaid expansion that has provided insurance through private companies. The vote was 26-3.

The program is being reworked this year to remove a work provision ruled illegal by courts and disfavored by the Biden administration. The new plan has been dubbed ARHOME.


It provides a supposed incentive for participants to work or get job training by giving them better private insurance if they do so. Otherwise, they are shifted to traditional fee-for-service Medicaid coverage, which isn’t always available from providers.

As David Ramsey wrote previously for the Arkansas Nonprofit News Network, the measure, which would still need federal approval, includes some additional costs for beneficiaries, wellness programs and new initiatives for rural health, maternal and infant health, behavioral health and some at-risk people. Sen. Missy Irvin talked about these health programs primarily in pitching the bill to the Senate. She didn’t mention the backstory of the state’s retreat from the work rule.


The add-ons amount to a bit of cosmetic improvement to a program long rejected by significant numbers of Republicans as dreaded Obamacare. But is now grudgingly accepted as a popular program serving 310,000 Arkansans that isn’t likely to go away. Attorney General Leslie Rutledge is continuing to pursue a fruitless court case to kill the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. Sen. Trent Garner called it nothing but “slick rebranding” of a program that should have been killed. “We’re putting lipstick on a pig and calling it a beauty queen.”

Sen. Clarke Tucker said he supported the program but said he was concerned about “churn” between those covered by private insurance and those in the fee-for-service Medicaid program. He said he’s counting on the department to deliver on promised program improvements and that those who are eligible are informed about it.

Sen. Jim Hendren, who opposed the program at its inception seven years ago, said his view had changed because it had brought Arkansas billions in new money and kept small hospitals open. “It would be a tragedy to discontinue a program so vital,” he said


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The EBCI Tribal Option and what it means for Medicaid beneficiaries


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The first Indian Managed Care Entity in the nation will start sending member open enrollment letters March 15th.


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Eligible Medicaid members will begin to receive letters on Monday, March 15 from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) notifying Medicaid beneficiaries of open enrollment which will now include the EBCI (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) Tribal Option. 

The EBCI Tribal Option, the first Indian Managed Care Entity in the nation, is a health plan created by the Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority available to members of federally recognized tribes, or those who are eligible for Indian Healthcare Services. This health plan will offer tailored medical, behavioral health, pharmacy, and support services for Medicaid members. 

“Right now, Medicaid members use NC Medicaid Direct, the current healthcare program in North Carolina,” said Karen Kennedy, Tribal Option director, “CIHA is now able to offer Medicaid services through the EBCI Tribal Option as a source to meet the primary care needs of tribal members who are eligible.” 

Gwynneth Wildcatt, Tribal Option Member Services manager, stated, “It is important for Medicaid beneficiaries to be aware of these letters, so that they can make informed decisions when it comes to their Medicaid services.  If members have not made their choice after the open enrollment period they will automatically be enrolled in the EBCI Tribal Option.”

The EBCI Tribal Option will be primarily offered in the following counties: Cherokee, Graham, Haywood, Jackson and Swain. Clipped from:



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Utah’s Medicaid fraud bill on hold after strong criticism | KUTV

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Utah is one of several states looking to reduce fraud in food stamps and related benefits programs, and Democrats oppose the effort.


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Spending hundreds of dollars to chase pennies: That’s what critics worry a new Medicaid fraud bill would lead to and all on the taxpayer’s dime.

It’s a measure one opponent goes as far as to call potentially catastrophic for Utah.

Lawmakers in support of the bill said Tuesday they want a process to investigate people who improperly receive state benefits.

This is something those in opposition argue is a very minor problem in Utah. Alliance for a Better Utah, a nonprofit, watchdog organization, said instead of pouring millions of dollars into searching for a needle in a haystack, we should address the real issue–the high rate of uninsured kids in the state.

The legislation would make an already lengthy Medicaid waiver application process even more involved, which neither the Trump nor Biden administrations have ever supported.

Dave Gessel, a representative with the Utah Hospitals Association, said they were not consulted and strongly oppose this bill.

Opponents said this would do little more than make it extra difficult for people in need to get help. The bill is on hold for now and not expected to go anywhere this legislative session.


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With GOP Back at Helm, Montana Renews Push to Sniff Out Welfare Fraud | Kaiser Health News

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Montana is one of several states looking to reduce fraud in food stamps and related benefits programs, and Democrats oppose the effort.


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Montana is considering becoming the latest state to aggressively check welfare eligibility to cut costs. While supporters of the move say it’s about what’s fair, opponents say it will impact enrollees who need help, especially amid the pandemic. (Matt Volz / KHN)

Montana is considering becoming the latest state to intensify its hunt for welfare overpayments and fraud, a move expected to remove more than 1,500 enrollees from low-income health coverage at a time when the pandemic has left more people needing help.

With Republicans now controlling both chambers of the Montana legislature and the governor’s office, a lawmaker is reviving an effort to both broaden and increase the frequency of eligibility checks to search for welfare fraud, waste and abuse. Proponents say it’s about what’s fair — weeding out people who don’t qualify, protecting safety nets for those who do, and saving the state millions. But advocates for low-income people who rely on such services and some policy analysts say such changes would unfairly drop eligible people who need the aid.

“We’re not looking to do anything mean. We’re taking the emotion out of it,” state Sen. Cary Smith, a Republican, said during a Jan. 20 hearing on his bill, the Provide for the Welfare Fraud Prevention Act. “If you don’t qualify, then you shouldn’t be participating in that program.”

The Montana bill, and measures underway in Ohio and Utah, are similar to earlier efforts undertaken to cut costs in states such as Illinois and Michigan. But this year’s bills come even as Congress offers states more Medicaid dollars if they ensure people have continuous coverage through the pandemic because of its economic shock waves.

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The Montana proposal would create a system potentially run by third-party vendors that would mine a large swath of data to see if someone, for example, has assets like a boat, has won the lottery or has filed for benefits in another state. The vendor could earn a bonus for flagging more cases than the state projected. State employees would have the final say in cutting someone from Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, food stamps or other aid programs.

The state estimates the measure could save Montana’s treasury between $1.4 million and $2.3 million each year over the next four years by dropping more than 1,500 people on Medicaid and 277 children covered by CHIP.

This isn’t Smith’s first effort to create such a law. He sponsored a similar bill in 2015 that was vetoed by the state’s then-governor, Democrat Steve Bullock. In the veto letter, Bullock said the measure duplicated steps the state already took and unfairly stigmatized Montanans who are poor. Opponents of Smith’s latest proposal have repeated those concerns. Smith didn’t respond to several requests for an interview.

But this time, the potential legislation has a clearer path. The state has a new governor, Greg Gianforte, a Republican who called for heightened Medicaid eligibility checks throughout his 2020 campaign.

During Montana’s first hearing for the renewed effort, Scott Centorino of Opportunities Solutions Project was the sole person to testify in support of the bill.

“I’ve seen this play out in state after state,” Centorino said. “Turns out, the less you look for welfare, fraud and waste, the less you find.”

Opportunity Solutions Project, the lobbying wing of the Foundation for Government Accountability, a right-leaning think tank, has backed similar efforts elsewhere that followed FGA model legislation. The organizations have also been major forces in trying to link food assistance to work requirements and block states from expanding Medicaid.

Opportunity Solutions Project’s attempts to influence laws at the federal level, too, appear to be growing. The nonprofit spent $25,500 lobbying the federal government in 2017 and $420,000 last year, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Opponents of the Montana bill have said the focus on welfare recipients is misplaced. Nationally, most Medicaid payments deemed improper last year were tied to states not collecting information that federal standards already call for, not necessarily for covering ineligible enrollees, according to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services financial report.

Michele Gilman, a University of Baltimore law professor, said the potential bonus Montana would pay a company finding more savings than expected is especially concerning.

“The goal should not be to create some bounty hunter system to find alleged cheats that don’t exist,” Gilman said. “This is built on an unfounded mistrust of poor people and undermines public support for social programs.”

If states do move to undertake broad data searches, she said, they need to start with a pilot program to test for errors in its design. Gilman called Michigan the ultimate cautionary tale. The state, which had used a new computer program to spot cheaters, ended up mired in lawsuits after it falsely charged thousands with unemployment fraud between 2013 and 2015.

The Trump administration and federal agencies encouraged states to increase eligibility checks. According to a KFF analysis, as of January 2019 more than half of states were conducting checks more often than during annual renewals, with some doing so quarterly. (KHN is an editorially independent program of KFF.)

Robin Rudowitz, co-director of KFF’s Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured, said Medicaid and CHIP enrollment dropped across the nation from late 2017 through 2019. Rudowitz said it’s hard to untangle all the reasons the enrollment declines occurred, but increased verification efforts that add to administrative hurdles create barriers to coverage.

Jennifer Wagner, with the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, said people may not realize they’re still eligible when notified that their benefits are in question or may not even receive the notice. She said a search for benefits filed in a separate state may flag aid that can cross states, such as food stamps, and such searches can pull up property someone no longer owns. Frequent wage checks may not take into account inconsistent jobs. The onus would fall to the aid recipient to prove they are still eligible in each scenario, she said.

One state that Opportunity Solutions Project points to as a success is Illinois, which in 2012 hired a company to identify Medicaid recipients who might not be eligible. Wagner, who was an associate director with the Illinois Department of Human Services at the time of the change, said Illinois is unique because the state knew it had a backlog of status checks. Within a year, Illinois had canceled benefits for nearly 150,000 people. But the state reported that more than 75% of cancellations were due to clients’ failure to respond to a state letter asking for more information. Wagner said similar issues have occurred in other states.

“In many cases, those individuals remain eligible, but they have a gap in coverage and they have to reapply and do what they can to get back on the program,” said Wagner. “There’s a large cohort of people who never get that done.”

Of all the people Illinois dropped, nearly 20% had reenrolled by the end of the year. That issue — people getting knocked off when they’re eligible — already happens in annual renewals. But Wagner said more checks means more people losing benefits, and more work for states to bring those people back onboard.

Centorino, with Opportunity Solutions Project, said systems that remove qualified people aren’t being implemented properly, but added it’s not too heavy of a lift to respond to an eligibility question.

“The alternative is not is not resolving the discrepancy at all and just assuming that there is no discrepancy and continuing to fund benefits for somebody who may be ineligible,” he said.

In Montana, even with the bill’s clearer shot at becoming law, some elements that opponents criticized were rolled back after the state estimated it would need to hire 42 employees to run the new system. Smith reduced how many programs would fall under its scrutiny and pulled back eligibility checks to twice a year instead of quarterly. He removed a rule that the system pay for itself, and he cut a section that would have disenrolled people who don’t respond to eligibility questions or notices within 10 business days.

Nonetheless, if a new system flags issues in people’s enrollment, the state will have to go out searching for why. The bill is under consideration in the Senate and must also pass the House before it goes to Gianforte for signing.


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Montana Senate gives initial OK to more verification checks on assistance programs


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Montana is one of several states looking to reduce fraud in food stamps and related benefits programs, and Democrats oppose the effort.


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Holly Michels

A bill that would have the state health department implement more methods of verifying the eligibility of those receiving benefits from public assistance programs passed an initial vote in the Montana Senate on Tuesday.

All the Senate Republicans backed Senate Bill 100, while all Democrats opposed it in a 31-19 vote.

The bill, carried by Sen. Cary Smith, R-Billings, would increase the ways the Department of Public Health and Human Services verifies people are qualified for several public assistance programs.

Beyond tax and wage data, the department would contract with a third-party vendor to also review arrest and incarceration information, immigration status, housing assistance payments, emergency utility payments, child care services information, information from external vendors such as LexisNexis and Equifax, and more.

Smith said the bill is meant to eliminate fraud in state-administered programs including Medicaid, Medicaid expansion, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program.

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Iowa Senate bill would require added steps for Medicaid, food stamps

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Iowa is one of several states looking to reduce fraud in food stamps and related benefits programs, and Democrats oppose the effort.


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Iowans may soon need to undergo added verification steps, including checks of their household assets, to receive food stamps and other benefits.

The Senate approved the bill, Senate File 389, Tuesday night. It would also instruct the Iowa Department of Human Services to use a computer system to conduct automatic eligibility checks for Iowans on other public assistance programs including Medicaid. Senate Republicans say that step will streamline the process and reduce fraud. 

But Democrats said the measure would trip up needy Iowans seeking food assistance, which could be more painful given coronavirus-related needs. The additional computerization is also unnecessary, they said, because the state is already working on updating its system. 

The Iowa Senate passed the bill on a 30-18 party-line vote Tuesday evening but it faces an uncertain future in the Republican-controlled Iowa House, where similar “welfare reform” measures have failed to advance in past years. 

More:Iowa hunger-fighting organizations calling on Legislature for more support

Sen. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig, who has introduced similar bills over the past four years, said the state has begun to recognize the need for computerization over the past few years. While Iowa DHS has been working on computerizing the system, he wants the state to go further. If it became law, he said Iowa would decrease its error rate for food assistance payments.

“We are moving in the right direction, but this bill would actually move us there quite a bit more quickly,” Schultz said.  

Democrats, however, said adding additional food stamp requirements such as an “asset test” would make it more difficult for Iowans in need.

“The more rigorous it is, the harder it is to sign up for, and I think it’s probably your intention,” Sen. Liz Mathis, D-Hiawatha, said Tuesday.

The nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency estimates approximately 1% of Iowans receiving benefits would see their benefits canceled due to discrepancies — equal to 5,999 Medicaid recipients, 793 Children’s Health Insurance Program recipients, 68 Family Investment Program recipients and 1,466 recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, often referred to as food stamps.

What the bill does: Computerizes identity checks for Medicaid, food stamps

If the bill becomes law, it would require Iowa’s Department of Human Services to either contract with a third-party vendor or establish its own computer system to conduct identity verification and other services for the state’s public assistance programs by July 1 of next year

The system would use a variety of federal and state records to verify eligibility of Iowans applying for assistance programs. 

If the state contracts with a third-party vendor for the service, the vendor would refer cases that don’t pass through to Iowa DHS. When Iowa DHS finds a discrepancy, the agency would provide written notice to the applicant, who would have 10 days to respond. 

COVID-19 assistance:How low-income Iowans can get help with overdue utility and rent bills

A failure to respond in a “timely manner” would result in termination of benefit enrollment. Iowa DHS would refer suspected fraud cases to the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals for review.

“It does not give third-party vendors any opportunity to kick anybody off,” Schultz said during a subcommittee meeting last week. “All it is is a tool — a high-tech, efficient tool — for DHS to scrub the eligibility (of) the list of recipients and find those who don’t fit in.” 

Schultz said he believes “85% to 90% of recipients would slide through” the system without needing to provide any additional documentation. 

Bill requires ‘asset test’ for food assistance

Schultz’s bill would change eligibility determination for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Under the bill, Iowans would need to pass an asset test before qualifying for food assistance.

An asset test calculates the value of an applicant’s possessions — including bank accounts, real estate and secondary vehicles — to determine the person’s eligibility.

The asset test would be a departure from current practice. 

Iowa is among the states that allow people to qualify for SNAP benefits through “broad-based categorical eligibility,” which allows people who already qualify for other specified programs to receive food stamps. Iowans who qualify under categorical eligibility currently do not need to undergo an asset test, but the bill would change this.   

Overall, the bill would cost the state money up-front but reduce costs in future years, according to the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency. A report estimates the bill would increase state costs by $1.5 million next fiscal year but save the state $11.8 million per year after that. 

Critic: Measure is ‘creating more barriers and kicking people off programs’

Senate Republicans and the groups Americans for Prosperity, Iowans for Tax Relief and the Opportunity Solutions Project support the bill, saying it will increase efficiency and trust in the state’s government.  

But several local service agencies and health care groups oppose it. They say the moves might knock people off the program who aren’t native English speakers, who struggle with financial literacy or who aren’t tech-savvy. 

“At a time when we’re seeing increased levels of food insecurity across the state of Iowa, we should really be exploring ways to increase access to food assistance benefits, not creating more barriers and kicking people off programs for which they’re eligible for,” said Luke Elzinga, the communications and advocacy manager with the Des Moines Area Religious Council Food Pantry Network, said during a subcommittee meeting last week. 

Hunger in Iowa: How to find help if you need food assistance

Elzinga said he’s concerned about the asset test for food stamps. Among the assets that count toward the limit are second vehicles, which he said could disqualify families who need more than one vehicle for work, especially in rural areas.

Critics have also said the moves are likely redundant. Janee Harvey, the Iowa DHS division administrator of Adult, Child and Family Services, told lawmakers at last week’s subcommittee hearing the department is “meaningfully engaged in these activities already.”

The state is preparing to comply with federal requirements to participate in the National Accuracy Clearinghouse — a national system meant to prevent people from receiving food assistance in more than one state — by December, she said. The state is also considering a one-year free trial of an income verification product through Equifax, she said. 

Democrats on Tuesday introduced three amendments, including one that would have eliminated the food stamp portion of the bill, and another that would have instructed Iowa DHS to compile a list of the employers of Iowans on Medicaid.

Multiple Democrats on Tuesday pointed to the increase in food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’m sure there’s a bill coming afterwards to fund soup kitchens and food banks because right now we’re overwhelmed,” said Sen. Amanda Ragan, D-Mason City, who directs the Community Kitchen of North Iowa and Mason City Meals on Wheels. 

Schultz said Democrats are blowing many of the concerns out of proportion. The intent of the bill is not to save money by kicking eligible people off of benefits, he said.  

Schultz told the Des Moines Register last week that he’s optimistic the public assistance oversight bill will receive more consideration in the House than in past years.

This year, Republicans widened their majority in the House to 59-41, picking up six seats. 

“Every single year, I feel better,” he said. “The idea itself is becoming normalized.” 

Ian Richardson covers the Iowa Statehouse for the Des Moines Register. Reach him at, at 515-284-8254, or on Twitter at @DMRIanR.


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Benefits Rollback Bill Would Cost Nearly $20 Million in Red Tape, Analysts Say

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Ohio is one of several states looking to reduce fraud in food stamps and related benefits programs, and Democrats oppose the effort.


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The Ohio Senate bill reportedly would curb fraud, but a 2015 investigation found that fraud amounted to less than 1% of administered SNAP benefits and less than the cost of the audit itself.


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Two lines of cars wait for food assistance at the All People’s Fresh Market in Columbus. Officials say covid-related food insecurity is growing in Ohio.Photo: Marty Schladen, Ohio Capital JournalA legislative proposal to restrict eligibility for social safety net programs like food stamps or Medicaid would cost nearly $20 million to implement, according to state policy analysts.

The Ohio Legislative Service Commission, a nonpartisan arm of the state legislature that evaluates policy proposals, estimated a plan to require photo identification on every Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program card would cost about $15 million to implement and $930,000 annually to maintain.

Senate Bill 17 would end policies known as “categorical eligibility” and “simplified reporting” that lower income reporting burdens on SNAP recipients along with the bureaucratic burden on state government. The new, more onerous income reporting system would cost about $4.5 million to implement, according to the LSC.

The bill’s lead sponsor, Sen. Tim Schaffer, R-Lancaster, said the bill is a means to combat benefits fraud and ensure monies only go to the truly needy.

On Tuesday, food bank operators, the counties’ Ohio Department of Job and Family Services association director, anti-poverty advocates and others urged lawmakers against cutting the social safety net during a still-raging pandemic that has destabilized the economy and increased unemployment rates.

They said more paperwork requirements on top of an already cumbersome application process would cause needy families to slip through the cracks.

“The bill, as it’s currently presented, wants to spend tens of millions of dollars,” said Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, executive director of the Ohio Association of Foodbanks, to lawmakers.

“It does not provide one additional dime of food assistance.”

SB 17, if passed, would:

  • Impose asset tests on SNAP (often known as food stamps) recipients. They would not qualify for benefits if they have more than $2,250 in cash (a measurement that includes all value of a vehicle above $4,650). The program is currently available to people earning below 130% of the federal poverty line.
  • Impose a new work or education requirement to receive benefits through Medicaid, a federal and state-funded health insurance program that covers costs of care for people who are poor, elderly, disabled or pregnant.
  • Restrict exemptions to the Medicaid work requirement, including raising the minimum age to opt out to 65 from 55.
  • Switch from the current “simplified reporting” system (SNAP recipients need not report small weekly income changes so long as they don’t surpass the eligibility threshold) to “change reporting” (recipients must notify ODJFS of income changes, no matter how small, from things like overtime).
  • Eliminate “broad based categorical eligibility,” which automatically qualifies recipients of one benefit system like SNAP for others like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.


The bulk of the costs under the bill stem from the $13.1 million needed for information technology to build a new system for a photo ID system on SNAP cards, plus $2 million to issue an estimated 500,000 cards, according to the LSC. The new system would cost $930,000 per year from there.

The state and federal government split the administrative costs of SNAP, while the federal government pays all the program benefits.

Eliminating categorical eligibility would incur a $2.8 million, one-time cost, according to LSC. Eliminating simplified reporting would cost about $1.5 million.

“In addition, these changes will likely pose significant administrative costs for county departments of job and family services, which are responsible for determining SNAP eligibility for applicants,” the analysis states.

In December, about 1.55 million Ohioans received an average $233 in monthly assistance via SNAP, according to ODJFS data, which comes out to about $7.50 per day.


Organizations combatting hunger, homelessness and poverty in Ohio panned the proposal.

“Reducing access to SNAP and Medicaid will harm the health of low-income Ohioans and push even more into homelessness,” said Bill Faith, executive director of the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio, in written testimony.

“Ohio simply cannot afford the damage that would be caused by Senate Bill 17.”

Matt Habash, president of the Mid-Ohio Food Collective, said since the pandemic began, more than 56,000 families sought out meals from the collective for their first time.

“The changes to SNAP and Medicaid eligibility in Senate Bill 17 will — without question — increase food insecurity and force more Ohioans to turn to organizations such as ours for the most basic of needs —  food,” he said.

Other groups like the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association submitted testimony against the bill, as did the Ohio Council of Churches, Equitas Health and more.


Fraud exists within the SNAP system, but there’s little evidence of it occurring at scale.

During the hearing, lead sponsor Sen. Tim Schaffer, R-Lancaster, cited a 2016 report from the Dayton Daily News about $17 million in fraud identified over five years in Butler County. Officials reportedly broke up a SNAP-cards-for-cash operation.

On a statewide level in 2017, ODJFS investigators identified 2,465 instances of fraud worth about $4.5 million — about .2% of the roughly $2.2 billion in benefits administered that year (the most recent with data available).

2015 investigation from the state auditor identified similar, limited instances of fraud within the SNAP program like benefits being claimed from dead recipients. The identified fraud amounted to less than 1 percent of administered benefits and less than the cost of the audit itself.

Several of the bill’s critics questioned why lawmakers are targeting fraud in SNAP or unemployment benefits as opposed to the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, a newly created federal program apparently bilked for hundreds of millions by criminal scammers.

The committee did not vote on the bill Wednesday.

This story was originally published by the Ohio Capital Journal and republished here with permission.


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Fewer people will get food, Medicaid, unemployment under Ohio bill requiring more fraud checks, advocates say


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Ohio is one of several states looking to reduce fraud in food stamps and related benefits programs, and Democrats oppose the effort.


The article below has been highlighted and summarized by our research team. It is provided here for member convenience as part of our Curator service.


Ohio Sen. Tim Schaffer is holding pictures of what he said shows SNAP cards that were found in drug houses. Schaffer is sponsoring a bill that seeks to decrease fraud in Ohio social services, but advocates for the poor say the extra checks and verifications would cut people off services.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – An Ohio Senate bill that seeks to catch fraud among people applying for and receiving social services will result in increased work for county case workers, as well as fewer low-income people obtaining food aid, Medicaid and unemployment benefits, advocates for the poor said Wednesday.

Senate Bill 17 requires case workers to cross-check applicants and enrollees against state data such as new hire records, wage records, lottery winnings and death records, said sponsor Sen. Tim Schaffer, a Lancaster Republican.

Schaffer held up pictures during Wednesday’s Ohio Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee of food aid debit cards he said were found by investigators in drug houses. He said catching the fraud is important because it’s taking benefits away from those who need it.

Some of the most sweeping changes in SB 17 would be in SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

SB 17 would require color photo identification of at least one adult in every household on Ohio Direction cards, the debit SNAP card.

SNAP recipients would also be subject to more rigorous asset maximums. Generally, a household’s liquid assets would have to fall below $2,250, or $3,500 if the household has an elderly or disabled member. A vehicle could be worth up to $4,650. Such limits do not currently exist in the program.

“If you’re a family in need and you have a car at home which you use to get to work, but you are having a hard time affording groceries for your family, you’ll be forced with the decision: Do you sell your vehicle, which you use to get to work, or do you keep the food from the stomachs of your kids, which is an impossible decision for a parent to make,” testified Kimberly LoVano, the Greater Cleveland Food Bank’s director of advocacy and education, at the committee meeting.

To continue to be eligible for SNAP, households would have to report changes in income within 10 days of learning of the changes, which is not currently required.

LoVano argued that reporting income changes is not reasonable in the cases of people who work in retail or food service. They constantly pick up or lose shifts each month.

“I can tell you fluctuation of one to two shifts a month is the norm, not the exception,” she said.

Other changes in SB 17 would again force Ohio Medicaid to require many recipients of the joint state and federal health care program to work or go to school part-time. Work requirements need federal permission to implement. Ohio Medicaid had received an OK to develop them, but with the pandemic they were delayed. Then President Joe Biden’s administration said it would rescind all state work requirements.

Most of the changes to unemployment would require checking prison records to ensure people who are applying for benefits weren’t recently incarcerated.

Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, executive director of the Ohio Association of Foodbanks, told lawmakers her colleagues in other states are fighting the exact same bill. It’s backed by the Foundation for Government Accountability, a conservative-leaning group. Hamler-Fugitt believes the ultimate goal is to weaken social safety net programs.

Sam Adolphsen, a visiting fellow with the Foundation for Government Accountability’s Opportunity Solutions Project, testified to the committee on Feb. 10.

“Senate Bill 17 is a practical and principled bill. It is comprehensive, but it is also a straightforward piece of legislation that establishes best practices and commonsense safeguards,” he said. “The bill is practical because, right now, Ohio faces a serious crisis. The pandemic and shutdown have created havoc for the Ohio economy and state budget. That challenge, made worse by federal changes that bind your hands, has thrown your benefits programs into chaos.”

Hamler-Fugitt, on the other hand, said that SB 17 is overly broad, when the real fraud problem is with pandemic unemployment benefits. Last year, Ohio paid out $330 million in fraudulent claims. Experts say much of that fraud is being perpetrated by sophisticated scammers, often from outside the country.

“Our problem right now is with the unemployment compensation system,” she said. “I’m pleading with you: Do something about where we are hemorrhaging resources now.”

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