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Medicaid and Telehealth Episode 1: Interview with Becky Sanders

Guest bio

Becky is a Senior Director for the Indiana Rural Health Association (IRHA), where she engages with the other senior directors of the IRHA Executive Team in strategic planning and guidance for the future of the IRHA.  She works with a wide variety of healthcare providers throughout the state of Indiana and maintains relationships with other state organizations to foster public/private partnerships on behalf of the IRHA. 

Becky also serves as the Program Director for the Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center (UMTRC).  In this role, she provides technical assistance and resources for healthcare facilities in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.  The UMTRC serves as a single point of contact for telehealth resources through educational presentations, individualized technical assistance, facilitation, and connections to telehealth information via the website and program staff.

Ms. Sanders has been with the IRHA since 2008.  She has a Lean Healthcare Black Belt Certification from Purdue Healthcare Advisors and is a National Rural Health Association Fellow.  Becky previously worked in telecommunications for the National Exchange Carrier Association. Ms. Sanders has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Indiana State University and a Masters of Business Administration in Healthcare Management from Western Governors University. 

Highlights from this episode

  1. The impact of the pandemic on telehealth usage by providers
  2. Trends in infrastructure needed to support broader use of telehealth
  3. Telehealth trends for Medicaid and Medicaid
  4. Promising new models with care extenders in pharmacies and libraries

Further Exploration


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Medicaid and Jail Health Episode 2: Interview with Blaire Bryant

Guest bio

Blaire Bryant is the Associate Legislative Director for Health at the National Association of Counties. In this capacity she works with county officials across the nation to set NACo’s policies on matters related to health policy and the public health system. Blaire holds a B.A. in Biopsychology from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, and a Master’s Degree in Community Health Education from the University of Maryland College Park.

Highlights from this episode

  1. The challenge of using jails and prisons for mental health care delivery
  2. Key terms, especially pre-trial detainees, post-conviction, recidivism
  3. NACO’s partnership with sheriff’s association
  4. Constitutional issues around removing healthcare coverage for pre-trial detainees
  5. Key differences between jails and prisons, especially the different continuity of care issues
  6. Medicaid inmate exclusion policy- key issues, impact, efforts to change
  7. NACO top objectives- educate federal partners and the general public on the inmate exclusion policy, advocate for change in federal policy to allow pre-trial detainees to continue to receive federal policy, provide resources for local level advocates to pursue change, and create one body of research that examines all the components in the issue
  8. In depth discussion of recent legislative efforts
  9. State options to improve right now, including suspending Medicaid enrollment vs terminating it, and options for 1115 waivers

Further Exploration

Blaire’s recommended reads

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Medicaid and Jail Health Episode 1: Interview with Dr. Evan Ashkin

Guest bio

Evan Ashkin, MD, is the founder of the Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) Program, which aims to help recently released inmates with chronic illnesses to receive proper medical care upon rejoining their communities. Ashkin also serves as professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the UNC School of Medicine

Highlights from this episode

  1. The challenge of using jails and prisons for mental health care delivery
  2. Healthcare needs profile of formerly incarcerated individuals
  3. Overview of the Transitions Clinic and NC FIT model
  4. Common misunderstandings about care provided to incarcerated individuals
  5. Importance of connecting formerly incarcerated individuals with community health workers are also formerly incarcerated
  6. Medication assisted treatment (MAT) and the opportunity window to avoid overdose deaths
  7. Lack of teaching about jail health in medical schools
  8. Tips to get a re-entry program started in your state

Further Exploration

Information about the Transitions Clinic Network and the North Carolina Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) program

Formerly Incarcerated Transition Program

Meeting Health Needs at Reentry: North Carolina’s FIT Program

Ashkin serves as co-guest editor for November issue of NCMJ – Department of Family Medicine

They’re Out of Prison. Can They Stay Out of the Hospital?

 November 01, 2019, 80 (6) | North Carolina Medical Journal

Spotlight on the Safety Net | North Carolina Medical Journal

Prevalence of Chronic Health Conditions Among Adults Released From the North Carolina Prison System, 2015-2016 | North Carolina Medical Journal

Dr. Ashkin’s recommended reads

After Prison, Healthy Lives Built On Access To Care And Community

Allison Roth – Insane: America’s Treatment of Mental Illness

Michelle Alexander. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

13th (film)