Steven Jenkins leading operations for a provider start-up.
Check out his LinkedIn profile HERE.
Which segment of the industry are you currently involved?
I presently lead the Clinical Strategy and Accreditation teams for Anthem, one of the nation’s leading health benefits companies. One in eight Americans receives coverage for their medical care through Anthem-affiliated health plans including ~6M Medicaid recipients in 21 states plus the District of Columbia.
How many years have you been in the Medicaid industry?
I began in 2001 at a small regional Medicaid plan in Memphis, TN. That plan was purchased by Amerigroup in 2007, and Amerigroup was subsequently purchased by Anthem in 2013. Since beginning my career in Medicaid close to 18 years ago, I have been fortunate to work across many different areas with some incredible leaders and outstanding teams.
What is your focus/passion? (Industry related or not)
At my core, I always want to leave things better than I found them. I want to use whatever talents I have been blessed with to have a positive impact in my personal and professional endeavors. At this point in my career, that means focusing on how Anthem can leverage its size and resources to have a meaningful and quantifiable positive impact on the overall quality and outcomes of the American healthcare system. Specifically, how can we partner at the local and national level with other leaders to address the social determinants of health that greatly influence quality of life and overall health for our Medicaid members.
What is the top item on your “bucket list?”
I’d like to visit Wales, specifically the area where my ancestors migrated from in the 1700’s.
What do you enjoy doing most with your personal time?
I love to read and am presently working my way through all of the previous Pulitzer Prize winning fiction novels. In addition to reading, I love watching movies, playing golf, and running. I’ll also admit that video games are a guilty pleasure.
Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
My favorite historical figure is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have always admired his courage and dedication to non-violent protest, and the profound impact that his work continues to have particularly in the part of the world I call home. Despite not living to see his 40th birthday, he is a true testament to how rich and impactful a life can be when dedicated to a cause larger than one’s self.
What is your favorite junk food?
Oreos. Hey, they’re vegan!
Of what accomplishment are you most proud?
Probably completing the NY Marathon in 2014. It served the triple purpose of helping me get in better shape, teaching my kids that difficult goals can be accomplished, and my wife got a few great days of shopping and sight-seeing in NYC with our only daughter.
For what one thing do you wish you could get a mulligan?
I wish I’d spent more time videotaping my kids when they were younger. We love watching those older videos and there’s never enough footage.
What are the top 1-3 issues that you think will be important in Medicaid during the next 6 months?
As we ramp-up to the 2020 election, funding and policy implications will continue to be highly politicized. I think additional key issues will include 1) impact of proposed changes to the 2016 managed care final rule, 2) Medicaid expansion, and 3) analysis of the viability of certain waivers including work requirements and the impact on further proliferation.
Know someone in the space who’s doing great work and is an all around interesting person?
Send a note to clay@mostlymedicaid.com to nominate them for the next round of Medicaid Industry Who’s Who Interviews