Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment – DSRIP initiatives, which are part of broader Section 1115 demonstration waiver programs, provide states with significant funding to support hospitals and other providers in changing how they provide care to Medicaid beneficiaries. DSRIP waivers are not grant programs – they are performance-based incentive programs. The concept is that states undertake initiatives expected to save Medicaid funds and then use the available savings for new investments in delivery system reform. To obtain DSRIP funds, eligible entities, including hospitals and other providers and/or provider coalitions, must meet certain milestones or performance metrics. While the exact structure and requirements of DSRIP initiatives vary, there is often a focus on meeting process-oriented metrics in the early years of the waiver, such as metrics related to infrastructure development or system redesign, and a focus on more outcome-oriented metrics in later years.22 For example, infrastructure related metrics might pertain to implementation of chronic care management registries or enhanced interpretation services. System redesign metrics might relate to expansion of medical homes or physical and behavioral health care integration. Outcome measures might address clinical care improvements or population health.
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