Collaborative Application Lifecycle Tool – The CALT is a collaborative tool that creates a centralized repository for storing, collaborating on and sharing deliverables and artifacts from IT projects in support of Medicaid administration and establishment of Exchanges. CMS recently deployed the CALT on a secure cloud computing environment.
Within the CALT, CMS has created the Medicaid State Collaborative Community to allow States the opportunity to leverage, share, and collaborate on Medicaid information technology (IT) systems development projects and to submit artifacts to the CALT for review and approval as required by the systems development lifecycle (SDLC) process. CMS established CALT as a centralized platform and provides its features and functions to all users – regardless of geographic location. CALT collaboration features allow States to manage systems development activities related to planning, developing, testing, implementing, and maintaining numerous Medicaid/Exchange IT software/system applications, and to communicate their progress and innovative ideas with other States. States can also share best practices and post documents such as MITA State Self-Assessments. Through the use of CALT, CMS will provide States with timely feedback and direct support for systems development projects.
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