Medicare Special Needs Plans 101

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Medicare Special Needs Plans 101

Get up to speed on the fundamentals of Medicare Special Needs Plans - fast.


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Lesson 1: SNP Overview

Goal- For you to understand the definition and basic scope of the different types of SNPs

Key Questions Included

  1. What is a Medicare Special Needs Plan?
  2. What are the different types of SNPs?
  3. What are the different types of D-SNPs?
Lesson 2: SNP Market Landscape

Goal - For you to become familiar with the SNP market and related trends.

Key Questions Included

  1. How large is the SNP market?
  2. What have been the trends in SNP plans offered?
  3. What insurance carriers have the most market share?
Lesson 3: SNP Regulatory Framework

Goal- For you to become familiar with the regulatory framework for SNPs.

Key Questions Included

  1. What are the statutes governing SNPs?
  2. What are the other regulations governing SNPs?
  3. What other guidance is provided by CMS related to SNPs?
