Want to find out about what innovative companies are doing in the Medicaid space, but don’t want to sit through boring demos? On this episode of Medicaid Star Search, we talked to i2i, Smart Policy Works, and Medical Advantage Group.
Category: Webinar and Podcast Archives
2018 July Medicaid News Roundtable

A lot happens in Medicaid in 30 days. We cover it all in 60 minutes with our distinguished panel this month being Jerry Dubberly, Rob Damler, Virgil Dickson, and Jeff Myers.
2018 July Medicaid State Spotlight: Kansas

We talked all things Kansas Medicaid with Jon Hamdorf, Kansas Medicaid Director.
2018 June Medicaid News Roundtable

A lot happens in Medicaid in 30 days. We cover it all in 60 minutes with our distinguished panel this month being Craigan Gray, Joe Moser, Kris Vilamaa, and Alex Shekhdar.
May 24th, 2018 Medicaid ACOs

In this webinar we discuss Medicaid ACOs with Rosemarie Day, President of Day Health Strategies and Sarah Matousek, Senior Consultant of Day Health Strategies.
2018 May Medicaid News Roundtable

A lot happens in Medicaid in 30 days. We covered it all in 60 minutes with Elena Nicolella, Cathy Huff, Joel Menges and Darin Gordon.
2018 Innovations in Medicaid Community Engagement

We talked with Ben Reno-Weber, Chief Storyteller and CEO of MobileServe about how community organizations are building new tools to implement emerging Medicaid flexibility waiver requirements.
2018 April Medicaid State Spotlight: North Carolina

We talked all things North Carolina Medicaid with Dave Richard, Deputy Secretary of Medical Services, DHHS North Carolina.
2018 April Medicaid News Roundtable

A lot happens in Medicaid in 30 days. We covered it all in 60 minutes with John Jansa, Rob Damler, Joe Moser and Kris Vilamaa.
2018 March State Spotlight: Kentucky

We talked all things Kentucky Medicaid with Governor Matt Bevin.