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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Using telehealth to deliver critical pediatric services

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

-become familiar with the national efforts to deliver healthcare in schools

-understand the success factors for case studies like Nevada

-learn the set of quality metrics that payers typically use school-based health to impact

-become familiar with the way COVID-19 is changing pediatric health

Speaker information

 Josh Golomb 

 Jodi Patton 

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: UPMC Health Plan COVID 19 Response

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

In this session, we will examine the development of new resources, technical support and operating guidelines to address these requirements.   We will discuss the impact of these changes on services and support to beneficiaries and examine intended, expected and unexpected results.

The experience gained from these efforts will likely result in significant permanent changes to the ways in which health insurance is conducted.  We will review newly discovered efficiencies as well as inefficiencies.

At the end of the session, we will have time for discussion, questions and answers on the impact of these changes and ways in which we expect this will result in new business models for Medicaid plans.

Speaker information

 John Lovelace 

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: North Dakota Medicaid COVID 19 Response

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

-North Dakota Medicaid

-surge planning process: hospitals and congregate facilities, VP3, data collection, Medicaid’s role

-COVID-19 surge planning

Speaker information

 Caprice Knapp 

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Keynote Day 2 (Ari Gottlieb)

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Speaker information

Ari Gottlieb

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Keynote Day 1 (Jeff Myers)

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

Understand fundamental challenges the Medicaid program will face in addressing budget issues, provider strain and enrollment surges

Become familiar with the new oversight expected for key provider types

Understand how the evolving Medicaid reality will impact Medicaid Managed Care Plans

Speaker information

 Jeff Myers 

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Impact that SDOH have on health outcomes

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

Understand the opportunity for government and community leaders to adapt support programs and provide community-based comprehensive care management to help people access the life-sustaining supports they need.

Learn how SDOH programs can positively impact state budgetsRecognize the critical role community partnerships play in delivering the right solutions.

Speaker information

 Karin VanZant

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: HCBS during a pandemic

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

Attendees will be more aware of the options available to states to adjust their HCBS programs both on a temporary basis as well as permanently.

Attendees will be more aware of the challenges both HCBS program participants and providers face in continuing to receive/provide services safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Attendees will be more aware of the challenges of returning HCBS programs back to “normal” after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaker information

 Katherine Wentworth

Kristina Moorhead

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Independent Care Heath Plan (WI) COVID 19 Response

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

After attending this session, attendees will be familiar with the barriers to care that exist for Medicaid members, especially during a pandemic.

Attendees will be more aware of interventions focused on member engagement that can drastically improve members’ trust in their health plan, leading them to seek help as needed.

Attendees will be inspired to focus on member-centered care, not plan-centered care.

Speaker information

Lisa Holden

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: A History of Pandemics

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

-understand the history of pandemics

– place the current COVID-19 pandemic in the context of previous pandemics

-become familiar with the role the public health system plans in the response

Speaker information

 Len Kirschner

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: COVID-19 as an Interoperability Catalyst

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

Understand the new ONC and CMS interoperability rules and requirements for Medicaid and MCOs

Realize the value an Enterprise member-centric clinical data strategy can help organizations be more innovative, such as agility to respond to unexpected events

Recognize the value of interoperability in the accelerated move to value-based careHear how other payers are thinking about a clinical data strategy

Speaker information

Lynda Rowe

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