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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: COVID and long term care members in PACE

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

After attending this session, attendees will be familiar with key concepts related to what is the Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE); the creative care methods utilized, including telehealth and other home based care services to safely deliver primary and long term care for Medicare/Medicaid members in their homes; and how to support and keep employees during this COVID-19 pandemic.   The final concept to be learned is how a provider organization moved quicker than the state partners in coming up with a solution for medical and long term care for frail seniors during a pandemic.

Speaker information

Cindi Jones

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Medicaid Technology and COVID Use Cases

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

– Understand the unique population health challenges facing providers who manage Medicaid beneficiaries with complex physical, behavioral and mental health needs

– See how real-time updates and a health IT infrastructure is proven to effectively and efficiently help deliver complex, high-risk patients the specialized medical services they require—especially during a pandemic

– Discuss how Medicaid plans/agencies can facilitate collaboration between care teams resulting in lower costs and higher quality outcomes and prepare for a post-COVID world

Speaker information

 Chris Klomp 

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Day 3 Keynote (Calder Lynch)- CMS COVID 19 Update

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

In this session, you will hear directly from the Deputy Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – Calder Lynch, and what CMS is doing during this time of global pandemic.

Speaker information

Calder Lynch

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Eligibility Estimate Methodologies and Requirements in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

After attending this session, attendees will understand key concepts that should be taken into consideration when estimating eligibility increases.

After attending this session, attendees will better appreciate the complexities around estimating enrollment increases, comparing to historical conditions.  

After attending this session, attendees will understand the requirements for compliance with the 6.2% Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) increase offered to state Medicaid programs under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

Speaker information

Carol Steckel

Andrew Dilworth

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: CareSource COVID 19 Response- Jail Health

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

Learn how CareSource has collaborated with the State of Indiana to serve members during the pandemic

Recognize the importance of community partnership to serve members during this time of crisis

Discover the CareSource Re-entry Program™ and its application during COVID-19

Speaker information

Cameual Wright

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Medicaid and COVID-19: School based behavioral health assessment

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

-Better understand the past, present and future state of Medicaid in Schools Policy and the application Medicaid Free Care Rule.

-Learn how new flexibilities can be leveraged to address issues exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic in order to increase access to physical and behavioral health services in school-based settings, whether at school or in non-traditional instruction settings.

-Explore examples of services that could be leveraged by expanding the Medicaid in Schools Program in their states.

Speaker information

 Adam Meier

 Kristi Putnam 

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Medicaid and COVID-19: North Carolina Medicaid COVID 19 Response

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

Learn how NC is providing support through COVID-19 and Stay At Home measures to beneficiaries and providers.

Speaker information

 Dave Richard 

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Medicaid and COVID-19: The Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule: Implications for State Medicaid Agencies and Managed Care Organizations

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

-Be familiar with the broad goals of the CMS Interoperability rule and its potential impact on State Medicaid agencies and Medicaid Managed Care organizations

-Understand what implementation of the new rule might look like

-Identify opportunities to leverage the new rule to improve access to high quality health care

Speaker information

Elena Nicolella

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Medicaid and COVID-19: Perspective from a physician on the front line and former CMS official

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Speaker information

 Fran Jensen

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