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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Caresource COVID 19 Response- Housing

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

– After attending this session, attendees will understand the fundamental housing crisis that existed prior to COVID19, how it has intensified the needs, and illuminated the faults in the response system.

– Attendees will have examples of the intersection between stable housing, health, and other social factors.

– After attending this session attendees will know how they can prepare for the long term impacts of increased housing instability.

Speaker information

Amy Riegel

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Summer 2020 Virtual Conference: Future of clinical practice and data analytics

This video is part of our Summer 2020 Virtual Conference- Medicaid as the Most Important Part of the COVID 19 response. To learn more about our virtual conferences, including opportunities for patrons, please use the form below.

Session information

Be able to identify the accelerated changes that clinical healthcare is currently witnessing

Become familiar with practical examples to guide changes in their local communities

Understand the role of a value-based payment system in these changes

Speaker information

Craigan Gray

Learn more about our virtual conferences