Great conversation with Juliet Charon of Idaho Medicaid. Topics include: recent innovative projects, advice to other Medicaid Directors, CMS reg implementations, and the state’s consideration of using the managed care model.
Run time: 17 mins
Great conversation with Juliet Charon of Idaho Medicaid. Topics include: recent innovative projects, advice to other Medicaid Directors, CMS reg implementations, and the state’s consideration of using the managed care model.
Run time: 17 mins
Great conversation with Melisa Byrd of D.C. Medicaid. Topics include: Increasing integration in LTSS, using an EDW to integrate SNAP/TANF, success stories from the District Direct member portal, and investments in HIT infrastructure to facilitate care transformation.
Run time: 17 mins
Great conversation with Cindy Beane of West Virginia. Topics include: Foster care (C-SED waiver), the SUD waiver and WV’s unique approach to carving out Rx.
Run time: 18 mins
Great conversation with Janet Mann, Arkansas DHS Secretary. She covered 4 key topics: Working to create a sustainable Medicaid program, the Arkansas PHE unwinding experience, maternal health innovation ideas and the CMS re-entry waiver.
Run time: 16 minutes
Great conversation with Judy Mohr-Peterson, Medicaid Director of Hawai’i. She covered a lot of ground, including: (1) Their new 1115 waiver renewal that covers nutritional supports, rental assistance, and utilities, and support for justice-involved individuals; (2) the impact of the wildfire response on Medicaid agency operations; and (3) what the Hawai’i experience with the unwinding has been (and what it will be in 2024).
Run time: 17 mins
Great discussion with Lorelei Kellog, Medicaid Director for New Mexico. Key topics include: Unique aspects for New Mexico going into the redeterminations effort; Insights into key elements of the upcoming 1115 waiver; and success stories using data analysis to support increasing provider rates. Run time: 14 mins