Here are our bullets:
–CMS dips toe in outcome based agreements
–Managed Care grab bag
–C-DPAP = Big Bux
–DOGE-Watch- DOGE eyes Medicaid tech?
–Fraud Follies
–Join us in Orlando – Election Impact on Medicaid
PS Happy Friday the 13th!
Author: MM_ADMIN
5BF: 12/06/2024
Here are our bullets:
-Press REALLY wants us to focus on Biden’s GLP-1 coverage push
-Medicare Stars Reform- Just Kidding!
-Let the disinformation begin
-Vendor Vignettes: Maximus loses/wins big; More on Deloitte system failures
-Join us in Orlando – Election Impact on Medicaid
[LIVE @ NAMD] Medicaid Conversations: Interview with Christine Osterlund
Clay goes to NAMD 2024! There he had the opportunity to interview Kansas’s Medicaid Director, Christine Osterlund. They discussed three main topics: MCO procurement, what it’s like to not be an expansion state, and what they are doing as a Medicaid program to align with their Public Health Partners. Run time: 27 mins
[LIVE @ NAMD] Medicaid Conversations: Interview with Gary Smith
Clay goes to NAMD 2024! There he had the opportunity to interview US Virgin Islands’ Medicaid Director, Gary Smith. They discussed three main topics: the difference between being a Territory Medicaid Program and State, getting Members off the Island for needed care, and staffing in the Territory. Run time: 30 mins
[LIVE @ NAMD] Medicaid Conversations: Interview with Bill Hanna
Clay goes to NAMD 2024! There he had the opportunity to interview Wisconsin’s Medicaid Director, Bill Hanna. They discussed three main topics: Medicaid Expansion, Housing Waiver, and Food is Medicine. Run time: 21 mins
Medicaid Conversations: Interview with Adela Flores-Brennan
Great conversation with Adela Flores-Brennan, Colorado’s Medicaid Director. They walk through the latest updates happening in Colorado – Maternal equity, amendment waivers to benefit social health, and their new program, “Cover All Coloradans”. Run time: 15 mins
Medicaid Conversations: Interview with Chris Esguerra
Great conversation with Chris Esguerra, Health Plan of San Mateo’s Chief Medical Officer. They walk through HPSM’s process of going beyond Process of Prior Authorizations. Run time: 17 mins
State Spotlight- New Mexico: Interview with Dana Flannery
Great conversation with Dana Flannery, New Mexico’s Medicaid Director. Topics include: Justice-involved waiver, MCO transformation, and healthcare authority. Run time: 17 mins
State Spotlight- Indiana: Interview with Cora Steinmetz
Great conversation with Cora Steinmetz, Indiana’s Medicaid Director. Topics include: their recent MLTSS launch, implementing new federal rules, and improving forecasting processes. Run time: 17 mins
State Spotlight- California: Interview with Tyler Sadwith
Great conversation with Tyler Sadwith where he and Clay talked in detail about California’s Medicaid transformation – CalAIM.
Run time: 22 mins